Recent content by alfbranch

  1. alfbranch

    Flickr Users - Post your Explored Photos

    On explore today Harbour sunset by Alf Branch, on Flickr
  2. alfbranch

    My most viewed photo on Flickr yesterday......... Part 2

    Harbour sunset by Alf Branch, on Flickr
  3. alfbranch

    Scathophaga stercoraria

    Nicely done Adrian
  4. alfbranch

    Northern lights West Cumbria

    Outside my house with my phone as I had to get up early for work
  5. alfbranch

    Versatile travel camera?

    My own travel camera is an Olympus E-M1ii and M.Zuiko 8-25mm f4.
  6. alfbranch

    Versatile travel camera?

    An E-M5ii (or the newer models)is nice too and weather sealed. I agree about the compact zooms too.
  7. alfbranch

    Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

    My go to lens for Landscapes is the 8-25mm f4 as I can use 85mm filters. For most pro lenses learn about the manual focus clutch. Watch something by Jimmy to learn about good lenses for weddings and stuff. View:
  8. alfbranch

    Olympus OM-D E-M5, E-M1, E-M10 - Mk1, Mk2 & Mk3 Owners Thread

    I use two E-M1ii for my photography and I still manage fine. One of my cameras has a slightly loose piece of grip but it's been like that since I got it. How much video do you want to do? For serious video you may want a Panasonic camera. Try and stick to pro lenses if you want the sharpest but...
  9. alfbranch

    Cucumber spider !

    Very nice shots
  10. alfbranch

    Landscape equipment - Fuji vs Olympus

    Lovely set Gordon
  11. alfbranch

    Landscape equipment - Fuji vs Olympus

    The 8-25mm is my go to lens for many situations
  12. alfbranch

    Landscape equipment - Fuji vs Olympus

    The 8-25mm f4 is a versatile lens in true Olympus/OM System style feeding fly by Alf Branch, on Flickr
  13. alfbranch

    Landscape equipment - Fuji vs Olympus

    Now my most used lens
  14. alfbranch

    Landscape equipment - Fuji vs Olympus

    My landscapes are shot on M4/3 mostly now an E-M1ii using an 8-25mm f4 now but the Panasonic 8-18mm is superb