Recent content by Danniorn

  1. Danniorn

    Massive aurora alert for tonight!

    Amazing photos! It has been such a bummer that both of those days it was extremely clouded here in Iceland so i couldnt see or catch any northern lights. I am though very happy for everyone who got amazing picture of these intense northern lights!
  2. Danniorn

    Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

    Just took this one today, Im pretty happy with how it came out, will definitly go back tomorrow! Volcano from above by Danniorn, on Flickr
  3. Danniorn

    Non UK Iceland - anyone been? (South ideally)

    Blue lagoon is not affected yet, well it depends what you call affected. It has been temporarily closed because its in the danger zone. No affect on traffic, neither air traffic or by car. The Volcano has slowed down ALOT in just 2 days. When it started, I could see the Lava itself launching in...
  4. Danniorn

    Non UK Iceland - anyone been? (South ideally)

    I dont recomend whale watching in Reykjavík during the winter. Not much to see(just Minke and you have to be very lucky to see them close), During the summer its fine but If you are driving to the north, do the whale watching there, in Húsavik or Dalvík
  5. Danniorn

    Non UK Iceland - anyone been? (South ideally)

    Or not able to go to Iceland since all flight traffic could be stopped for a few months, especialy to Iceland. If it will erupt in the ocea, which is very likley.
  6. Danniorn

    Where do you share your photos?

    Thank you for all the replies. This wasnt a Fly by post, I took a small break from social websites. Its not that I thrive from Likes and Comments. And alot of you might not understand, Its very hard for me to descripe. Its kind of like I feel embaressed for having such a low like count, might...
  7. Danniorn

    Non UK Iceland - anyone been? (South ideally)

    Number 1, 2 and 3. Go early to the places, Usually they are packed with tourists, even in winter. My favorite places that are not over crowded by tourists are. Brúarfoss Háifoss Sigöldugljúfur (better to use a 4x4 or atleast high ground clearence) Þjófafoss Rauðufossar (4x4 and close during...
  8. Danniorn

    Where do you share your photos?

    Not sure where to put this, But I am having some thoughts. What website do you post your photos on appart from this website? I have been posting on Facebook and instagram but I dont feel like it anymore. I get 1-4 like usually on a picture. Not that it matters, but I feel like it is somewhat...
  9. Danniorn

    Valley of tears

    We found the tripod, we tried to get it but no luck. The tripod was also missing a leg
  10. Danniorn

    Valley of tears

    If I'd see it when it landed then i would possibly try that, but i think there is a very slim chance that i would be able to fish it out when i cant even see it!:confused: Also not sure if the magnet would well work since most of the tripod is from Carbon fiber, But I will be going back there...
  11. Danniorn

    Valley of tears

    This is in Iceland close to "Landmannalaugar"
  12. Danniorn

    Valley of tears

    This place is so much more impressive in person! Too bad that I lost my tripod there, right as I took the camera off the tripod there came a gust of wind and it fell into the canyon. I am lucky that the camera didnt go with it! It is strictly forbidden to go down in the valley since it is an...
  13. Danniorn

    Moody shot of a lonesome house

    One of many pictures I took on my latest trip here in Iceland. Finally there is some decent weather, I hope you like this shot, i certainly do A pretty popular house to photograph
  14. Danniorn

    Brúarfoss "Bridge waterfall"

    Thanks! Thats the plan, the picture is really growing on me Thanks! For me, if I crop the sky out it is missing something, I feel like landscape pictures have to have atleast a litle part of the sky showing, otherwise it feels weird
  15. Danniorn

    Brúarfoss "Bridge waterfall"

    Thank you all for the kind words! After reading all of your comment I've decided I actually like the sky being cloudy. If the sky would be blue then it would be plain and boring If the sky would be partially cloudy then the blue would steal the show from the blue water(the water wouldn't pop as...