Recent content by jerry12953

  1. jerry12953

    What you listening to RIGHT now?

    This: View: Agnes Obel - recommended by Youtube just now.....
  2. jerry12953

    MPB - how accurate are their "instant valuations"

    I was given a small increase in offer once they had assessed the condition of the item - about 3% more.
  3. jerry12953

    Massive aurora alert for tonight!

    Very nice!
  4. jerry12953

    Massive aurora alert for tonight!

    Nice one!
  5. jerry12953

    Massive aurora alert for tonight!

  6. jerry12953

    Massive aurora alert for tonight!

    The one that got away. We're currently at the peak of a sunspot 11 year cycle so you may get another chance in the next 12- 18 months.
  7. jerry12953

    Massive aurora alert for tonight!

    Interesting. Thanks.
  8. jerry12953

    Massive aurora alert for tonight!

    That's true; it may never have got dark enough. I spent some time in the arctic many moons ago and we met a researcher who told us that conditions were then perfect for the aurora but it was never dark enough to see it. But I was also thinking that the aurora zone forms a kind of doughnut...
  9. jerry12953

    Massive aurora alert for tonight!

    I just wonder if it was too far north in Iceland for this marvellous display that so many of us darn sarf enjoyed?
  10. jerry12953

    Massive aurora alert for tonight!

    Here's some contributions from me. I do find it interesting that although we were looking at the same phenomenon, our interpretations of it are so different. For an account of my evening's activities click on the link to the blog below.
  11. jerry12953

    Massive aurora alert for tonight!

    That's a pretty amazing image but it does seem to slope down to the right....
  12. jerry12953

    Massive aurora alert for tonight!

    It's pretty cloudy here in mid-Wales but I suppose it could clear later. This is the "graph" for the last 24 hours. Its been on red alert all that time, only dropping to amber in the last hour or so.
  13. jerry12953

    Massive aurora alert for tonight!

    So much for experts!
  14. jerry12953

    Massive aurora alert for tonight!

    As above - its at storm level now!