Recent content by NickD

  1. NickD

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    While it's definitely there, I never found it a problem. I guess for video it could be an issue but for my purposes it never got in the way. It's definitely not on the scale of your average DSLR shutter! :D
  2. NickD

    The Fabulous Fuji X owners thread

    I can't speak for the TT, but while the autofocus on the Fuji 27mm is a bit noisy I always found it snappy and accurate.
  3. NickD

    Beginner Beginners advice

    You've stumbled upon a really good setup there. A great camera and a lens that punches well above it's weight. From here on in, it's not the camera, it's you! The Fabulous Fuji X thread in the Talk Equipment forum is a great place to go for advice should anything end up puzzling you.
  4. NickD

    Cobra, Rest in Peace

    Awful news! I always enjoyed his interaction in the 52 challenge section, and always wondered how I'd never managed to stumble across him on one of my forays up to Whipsnade. Sadly that will never be. Rest well fella!
  5. NickD

    Duracell Batteries for Fuji

    I have one of these for my X-T3 (so it'll be the 'NP-W126S' equivalent). I must have had it in rotation for a year or so, and it's been fine. It lasts as long as the original, and the performance seems the same as it did when I first got it. I also have a Hahnel, and that's fine too.
  6. NickD

    Campkins cameras ?

    I had a lens from then last year, and everything was fine. I'd never heard of them at the time, but having looked around it seems that while their online business might be fairly recent, the shop has been there sine the 1950s.
  7. NickD

    Fuji Servicing Uk - turnaround time?

    My X-T3 was draining the battery while switched off, this was around 18 months ago. Start to finish, the process was maybe 10 days. Including postage at either end.
  8. NickD

    Malaga sunset

    Lovely shot! The central composition works well here. I hope it's all that photogenic, as we're off there in October!
  9. NickD

    Fuji Dave

    Glad to see you back. Here's to a strong recovery!
  10. NickD

    Fuji Dave

    Get well soon Dave!
  11. NickD

    NickDs 52 for 2022 - Week 52 - Showcase.

    Thanks! It was nice to be presented with an unusual scene. Cheers! Luckily it was quiet and we had the room to ourselves for a few minutes to experiment. Thank you! It's always nice to come across something that lets you be a bit creative. It was like having our own studio for a few minutes...
  12. NickD

    Post your images here ( no comments) Week 52 showcase

    Week 52 - Showcase. Darkroom by Nick, on Flickr
  13. NickD

    NickDs 52 for 2022 - Week 52 - Showcase.

    Week 52 - Showcase. Probably my favourite shot of the year, and my favourite subject. Taken at the Gladiators Display in MARQ - Museo Arqueológico de Alicante. We found ourselves alone in a room full of Roman inspired projections, which reminded us of various 'theatre in the round' productions...
  14. NickD

    NickDs 52 for 2022 - Week 52 - Showcase.

    Honestly... you don't! I think there's a reason they stick to tried and tested pasta shapes. This stuff largely fell apart during the cooking process! :D
  15. NickD

    Post your images here ( no comments) Week 52 showcase

    Week 51 - Anything Christmassy. Christmas Pasta by Nick, on Flickr