Recent content by The Duke of Bork

  1. T

    Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

    Colourful fishing floats Lobster pots
  2. T

    Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

    Female Adder warming up IN THE SUN.
  3. T

    Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

    Trevose Head from Trevone Bay: Trevose Lighthouse:
  4. T

    Beginner Spots on image

    The spots are the same on both images, therefore it isn't the lens. Your sensor needs a clean.
  5. T

    Pic(s) you took today - an open thread

    Minack Theatre, Porthcurno:
  6. T

    Wild Siamese Pit Viper

    Gorgeous thing, well photographed.
  7. T

    B&W Let's see your Black and White photos

    Recently been digitisng some of my old negatives and transparencies - these are pitlane shots from the Siverstone 1000k in, I think, 1987. Canon A1, 28mm, HP5.
  8. T

    Oh dear, my finger slipped!

    Whenever did "need" have anything to do with it?
  9. T

    Tracking with the Canon R5

    Agree 400mm on FF isn't that long for wild birds really. Getting closer helps even with long lenses as atmospheric moisture/pollution/heathaze have worse effects the more air is between you and the bird.
  10. T

    North England RSPB Leighton Moss parking

    You can always get into the reserve as a public footpath runs through it east of the visitor centre and across the causeway.
  11. T

    Refurbished laptop ~ sources/places to buy?

    Have a look at Tier 1 Online, they have ex-business machines which tend to be good quality.
  12. T

    Mamiya C lens - repairable?

    A tiny dab of Loctite or similar, applied with a cocktail stick, wouldn't go amiss either, once you've found the right screw.
  13. T

    Mamiya C lens - repairable?

    I got these for a similar issue with the lens foot of my Panasonic100-400. ETA - depends if the screw you need is metric, of course...