Help! Error message - now more often than not

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I'm more often than not getting this message when navigating to or between pages:

The server provided an invalid message!
Content-Length: 0

Is this my browser?

Microsoft Edge
Version 115.0.1901.200 (Official build) (64-bit)
Quite possibly, no problems here, on
Opera, Firefox, Brave.
I don't have Edge.
No one else is reporting problems, although of course that might change, now you have raised the issue.
I'm on Edge an Edge user, Version 115.0.1901.188 (Official build) (64-bit), no problems here.
Edge user here, no problems.
ditto no problem.
Other than a post not showing! (Almost certainly my fault - restarted browser after updating [to .200])
Must be something at my end I guess, no idea what mind you :LOL:
TBH when I did have edge, I sometimes got weird messages, hence ditching it.
How fast is your internet connection? I just wonder if a timeout is happening on screen refreshes/page refreshes. Otherwise it might be worth installing a different browser to see if it's any better
Yeah, thinks it's probably browser as internet is Virgin's 1Gig all singing/dancing offering.

Thanks all - will transition over to something less temperamental!
Try running cleaner it might be a build up of junk
How fast is your internet connection? I just wonder if a timeout is happening on screen refreshes/page refreshes. Otherwise it might be worth installing a different browser to see if it's any better

Ours is pooh! 10Mb/s on a good day.