My Photo 52.....

paul holder
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well here it is the first of many......REFLECTIONS.
Maybe a bit of an odd one but hey we are here to experiment and have fun :woot::woot:

Week 1

as usual comments welcome :cautious:

if you look really close you can see me taking the picture!

Well everyone this is my take on history :wacky:
An old tree stump showing growth rings. And why this you may ask well all i will say to that is dendrochronology :thinking: have i spelt that right :thinking:
our planets climate history from the examination of tree growth rings.......
Am i thinking too far out of the box? can i still see the box that i should be in?

Week 2
Last edited:
Not a huge fan of close up eyes (they freak me out a bit tbh), having said that i like the crop / composition and detail on this :)
I love the idea behind this one - It's good even though I'm not sure you've pulled this off to perfection as I would like to see you a bit clearer in the reflection, plus I think a bit of time spent a bit of time cloning out some of the blood vessels in the eye and whitening the white bit would work very well.

It's going to be tough to match you creativity on this though :clap:
damn!!! That was one on my idea pad for this week. Plan b-e it is then... I'll look forward to seeing yours when I get home, iPhones are great but not made for getting good appreciation of images!!
cheers everyone (y) no you are right not quite right but with only house hold lighting and not wanting to use the flash it was quite a challenge. i would have liked to have got a better image of me but could not even enhance the image with software either :bang:

i know what you mean about vessels and did not even think about that :bonk:
cheers everyone (y) no you are right not quite right but with only house hold lighting and not wanting to use the flash it was quite a challenge. i would have liked to have got a better image of me but could not even enhance the image with software either :bang:

i know what you mean about vessels and did not even think about that :bonk:

eyes have vessels i think you should leave them in as the image looks nice and natural :)
You've done well to get that much detail out of it using only household lighting. And I agree about the blood vessels - they are supposed to be there! The depth of field is really good too with lots of detail around the eye. (But, if you are a bloke, I hate you for your eyelashes :LOL:)
damn!!! That was one on my idea pad for this week. Plan b-e it is then...


I'd decided not to look at any other 52s before doing mine and clicked on this accidentally. I'd even already got the shot - but easier, since it was my reflection in someone else's eye. This is soooo hard to do - well done. :clap:

Looking forward to next week's. :)

i am a bloke but the eye belongs to the wife. thank you all for the comments it's really nice to get comments like that ke you feel it'a all worth while (y)(y)(y)
Like that one. Shame you couldn't get your reflection stronger but like you said the conditions can be a bit of a problem. :clap:
cheers everyone i suppose i have got to pull something else wierd and wonderful out of the bag for next week then........."history" mmmmmmmm
well everyone get ready for another odd shot for history.......... have got the idea and the parts required just need the time and effort now. will prob post tomorrow if i can get it right................
well done, I had considered doing an eye but had problems with it, then thought I would try the cat but she wouldn't stay still for me so gave up.

Interesting approach to history, certainly outside the box, your creativity is definately a strong point for you :). Technically, I'm not sure the rings are clear enough for my liking perhaps if the lighting was from the side e.g. off camera flash or some other light source. However, again the composition is good I like this just being a 1/4 of the trunk. Overall an OK effort (y)

Have you learned anything from these first 2 weeks that you want to share.
was not overly happy with the pic but weather conditions were really bad! pouring with rain, and really dark. did try to enhance the image but no matter what i did i could not get the rings any clearer. might try to get a similar pic when weather is better.

what i have leaned over the first 2 weeks is :-

composition- i look at things a lot differently now and am starting to see images i have not seen before. even looking at other peoples take on the subject make you see things in a different light.

it is getting my mind working a lot more and thinking of different images for the given subject, even if they are a bit "outside the box" which can only be a good thing!!!!
yeah i know had a few probs with the pc and upload. it crashed then when it recovered the link was lost. so uploded another one then found the first one!!!!!
Nice detail on the wood, maybe have the background a little more out of focus?