weekly NCF15 52 for 2024 Week 19 bent &tech minimalist

Fab shot and yes - much better with the boat :)
Lots to see in this, nice. With a bright blue sky that would be dramatic but you can‘t pick the weather
Week 18 Straight
In case anyone is concerned this was taken from a public footpath crossing a quiet suburban railway with the only train having just passed and stopped at a station behind me.
R5-20240506-_5ND0957 copy.jpg
Well spotted and taken. Nice processing to retain detail in the sky
Yep - that works and was on my list as I live near a level crossing :)
Structure: Good shot. I like the high key element with the white sky.. has an ethereal feel.
Straight: again, has an moody element. Great pov.
Bent - TICK!

Minimalist - TICK!

I wouldn't want it on my wall though ;)
Straight and bent works really well, I don't quite know how to describe it but I like the colour palate of the straight picture.
Straight is a great pic & agree about the good editing for the sky and colours
Bent works really well - I'd have cropped it a tiny bit more to get rid of the leaves at the bottom possibly, but they don't really distract at all as they are