Panasonic 100-300 and 100-400

Steve, Coventry, England
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After learning the other day these were supposed to be used for taking photographs, I thought I would compare the two in a situation that is roughly how I normally use them.
Didn't have a tame partridge in a pear tree, so a tame Chrisa in a half dead pear tree had to do.

It was 20m from the camera.

Both cameras G9, and taken as near to the same time as possible (just put down one camera and pick up the other) both RAWs processed with the same settings on Affinity, both cropped as near as I could to the same points on the image, and then all images here resized to 1200 on the long side to post on here.

The 100-400 is better, but there is not a lot in it. Of course the difference would become more noticeable at a greater distance, but these are already cropped quite hard, so to me it is a fairly good illustration of the difference.

100-300 whole frame

100- 400 whole frame

100-300 crop

100-400n crop
Interesting to see, thank you for sharing! ! I still have a G9 with the original 100-300 (Mega not power) and reminded me I need to actually take photos more..
Were you comparing them both at the same focal length?

We did once have a partridge land in our garden. Annoyingly it just sat on the fence, looking at our pear tree, but didn't sit in it.
Were you comparing them both at the same focal length?

We did once have a partridge land in our garden. Annoyingly it just sat on the fence, looking at our pear tree, but didn't sit in it.

No, both at max, as shown by the whole frame shots.

The idea being to see if the 400 offers enough advantage to make it worth double+ the money :) I think it does in extreme cases, or where I think in advance I might need it, but I don't carry it just in case, the 100-300 normally does the job, and is very small and light in comparison.

From past tests, using the 100-400 at 300 it is slightly better that the 100-300 at 300, but again there's not a lot in it, in that case, I don't think it justifies the extra cost and weight.