Sunny so tried the Ilford PHOENIX 200 again -

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SUNNY WEATHER at last so loaded my OLYMPUS Spot-Program with a cut bit of the new ILFORD PHOENIX 200 C41 fillum - set 160 ASA as I read it gives better results -- but took only a few frames as the readout and shutter speed sounds looked far OUT on the OM SP -- so I CUT the film again and processed up in well-used C41 and LO ! and BEHOLD !! I got some GOOD NEGS -!! Strange - so rest i put into an OM10 until I can get the OMSP readout done. I scanned with PlusTek OpticFilm 7200 + Vuescan Pro + Photoshop CC 2015 to TIFFS and converted to JPegs later - I set the scan colours in Vuescan myself but needed only a ,little change fro the raw scans
The last pic has a old fashioned sort of look to it. Could have been taken in the 1950s sort of feel.
You've managed the colours really well: my first roll was all over the place and I haven't dared try the second yet.