weekly Boots' 52 for 2023

Gates - great POV... were you in a hole??
Memory. Nice take on the them and a nice sheen to your table too!

No, not in a hole (well, not physically), but the camera was on the ground.

Thanks for commenting!
I agree with Keith, a very creative take on the theme. Both upright and a way to ensure that something is upright.
Week 42 - Forgotten and Tech - Motion Blur

"A la recherche du temps perdu", or, if you prefer, "The past is a foreign country, they do things differently there".

A la recherche du temps perdu.JPG

This would have been an easy shot of my drawer of "things once needed but now put aside", except I still had to deliver on the Tech challenge, with only this and one further week to do it, and No Snapper's Choice!! So, I had to up my game and add considerably to the technical challenge. After much head scratching, I managed to work it out. Seemed to turn out pretty much as I had imagined.
Week 43 - Spooky


Not entirely happy with this, but I've now tried editing it three times.
Spooktastic :runaway:
Works for me... the grainy processing helps create the atmosphere.
Double exposure? Feels very much like the images put out by the ghost chasing tv programs :)

That's just the feel I was after - so thank you Tim for confirming I was in the right ball park. The shot is actually a blend of about four shots; slow shutter speed, moving target, different positions. The editing problem was trying to combine them and add noise but still keep enough definition in the subject.
Week 44 - Captive


There a bonus pun in there for the technically minded!
That's just nuts! :D
Nope, not getting the pun so obviously not technically minded...
Week 45 - Snapper's Choice & Tech - Wide Angle


That wide enough for you?

An HDR & panorama stitch of 51 images, then converted to polar co-ordinates - for those interested.
Last edited:
Super shot - I haven't done one of those for years :)
Week 46 - Wall

Here is a nice bit of Jacobean masonry

Houghton House.JPG

I don't normally show the "also runs", but I found this project quite interesting, so I thought I would bore you with some others.

The ruin is Houghton House outside Ampthill, built 1615. Because of the nature of the property, you can see the internals of the construction in a way normally denied to us, which is like catnip to me. The image above shows us both above and below stairs, emphasising the differences in the size of openings and headroom.

Note how, in all the images, brick is used for fine detail work (and later modifications) and the local Greensand sandstone used elsewhere.

The main entrance, and view through the house to what were the hunting grounds beyond, the reason for the house.

Houghton House-1.JPG

The view out through the Western loggia, with a blocked up l'oeil de boeuf window (a recurrent theme in the house).
Houghton House-2.JPG

One of the main chimney stacks - some nice brickwork there
Houghton House-3.JPG

What I believe was the main stairwell (if interested, this is the far side of the wall in the first image)
Houghton House-4.JPG

And here is an image of the stairs, removed to the Swan Hotel in Bedford a couple of hundred years ago. (Image copied from the internet)
Houghton House Staircase.jpg
Lovely bit of bricky stuffs Paul :)