Christmas is over

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well thats is sobered up, lost a few lbs and taken down decs and tree and cards, got back into the swing, made a new years resolution, the christmas pressie will help with that, a lot of my photography is in the foresat around the lac near us - a couple of Km mostly uphill out of our valley then a few kms around to the interesating parts, does mean if I take the car the lady can't get out anywhere and it drinks fuel and does not get up to operating temp on short trips so not good for it - enter Boris - now my means of transport for all the great half day out local photo trips in the forst on the forest tracks - Happy new year to you all

That's a chunky beast. I must admit ?I'm toying with getting something similar, I was thinking of a moped but now figure why should I have the MoT and insurance hassle etc when an e-bike would do the job just as well.
That's a chunky beast. I must admit ?I'm toying with getting something similar, I was thinking of a moped but now figure why should I have the MoT and insurance hassle etc when an e-bike would do the job just as well.
Lindsay that was my thought process, fuel +MOT+tax +insurance hmm, according to the blurb on a flat run and using pedal power + elec this has a range of 140km and then you can just pedal anyway ! so far i have covered 50k and it still has 4 out of 5 bars on the battery downhill i have free-wheeled up to 45kph - that was fun !
That's a chunky beast. I must admit ?I'm toying with getting something similar, I was thinking of a moped but now figure why should I have the MoT and insurance hassle etc when an e-bike would do the job just as well.
Something to think about; although statutory Insurance is not currently required, you may need to take out insurance to protect against 3rd party claims. However, such insurance is available but very expensive because the risk of these bikes injuring pedestrians is so high. Imagine being sued for £1,000,000 for causing a serious injury or death and having no insurance. I am sure pressures will result in insurance being compulsory soon anyway as it should.

@Dave Canon I do agree with you - I've not looked at what those insurance costs may be - but like many things it's a risk management issue. If you are only using it off-road, the risk to other people is minimised, so maybe not worth insuring for; whereas if you use it mainly on the road, more cost-effective. I'd be surprised if the cost was likely to be more than for a motorbike though.
I have third party insurance through Cycling UK membership, which is not expensive. I'm not sure if it covers eBikes though.
insurance is something on my mind, my current use is on road to the forest then forest tracks, these are also used by people walking and dogs etc so it is something i will be looking into, they are limited to 25kph with power assist so I suspect it will be less than a moped / sml motorcyle - at the moment not compulsory in France but I suspect it will come in this year with the growth in sales of them. Can't see business missing out on a market !