Digital Medium Format Thread

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Digital medium format is not a new thing, it's just that recently it has become relatively more affordable and portable.

Since it is a niche with cross-brand interest, perhaps like Sony, Leica, Fuji, Canon and Nikon it deserves it's own communal thread.

Lastest bodies include

Fujifilm GFX 100

Fujifilm GFX 50S

Fujifilm GFX 50R

Hasselblad X1D being superceded by the Hasselblad X1D II (September 2019)

Hasselblad CFV II 50C with 907X (expected early 2020)

But we should not forget ..

Leica S

Pentax 645Z

Hasslelblad H Series

Phase One
Here's hoping @newbie1 decides on the GFX 100 so we can hear how he gets on :)

I had the Hasselblad X1D with 90mm f3.2, sold them before the X1D II announcment and have now pre-ordered the X1D II and XCD 80mm f1.9 - a month wait!

There actually was a short time I had the XCD 30mm, but I think I'll eventually aim to get the XCD 21mm this time as a second lens to the XCD 80mm

The X1D II has the same sensor as the X1D, but has many usability/quality of life improvements
- Bigger rear screen
- Bigger and faster refreshing EVF
- Faster boot up time
- More responsive controls

It also came out cheaper than the X1D launch price by a good margin!

I'll post a few shots from the X1D, but I did keep a gallery blog with samples.
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Love the look of the Hassy X1

I’d never afford it though. But I can dream..

Keep the pictures coming Dan
Thanks for setting this up Dan. I’m sorry to see my Hasselblad go too, however Fuji GFX has been even better for me. Picked up the 100 this morning. I’ll post some examples within a week or so.
Thanks for setting this up Dan. I’m sorry to see my Hasselblad go too, however Fuji GFX has been even better for me. Picked up the 100 this morning. I’ll post some examples within a week or so.

Hey Tim,

I know I'm sacrificing functionality opting for the Hasselblad, particularly with AF features. If I needed a medium format for my professional work, I'd consider thinking more with my head and not with my heart.

What is it that made you choose the Fuji? what are you intended applications for the camera?
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My MF setup is the Pentax 645Z with a bunch of lenses. It's not ideal for most of what I do normally and I'm more comfortable with the Canon gear but the newer 645 lenses and the Z's sensor render superbly.
Hey Tim,

I know I'm sacrificing functionality opting for the Hasselblad, particularly with AF features. If I needed a medium format for my professional work, I'd consider thinking more with my head and not with my heart.

What is it that made you choose the Fuji? what are you intended applications for the camera?

Starting with intended application - purpose is for large prints, e.g. next assignments are i) art installation in a landscape setting and ii) marketing for a gym.

Choice is head over heart - the Fuji has more capabilities, total cost including lenses is lower, and can adapt canon lenses where there is no Fuji option, e.g. long focal length, ultra wide or wide open apertures.
My MF setup is the Pentax 645Z with a bunch of lenses. It's not ideal for most of what I do normally and I'm more comfortable with the Canon gear but the newer 645 lenses and the Z's sensor render superbly.
Hi Bob, similar for me - use is limited and won't replace the canon gear.
Looking through some of my Hasselblad images, I actual feel a bit sad that I ever sold it..

All these photos probably have had a little processing - but I really do love the way the colours come out of the camera

All taken with X1D + XCD 90mm

X1D - Samples by Daniel Cook, on Flickr

X1D - Samples by Daniel Cook, on Flickr

X1D - Samples by Daniel Cook, on Flickr

X1D - Samples by Daniel Cook, on Flickr

X1D - Sample by Daniel Cook, on Flickr

X1D - Samples by Daniel Cook, on Flickr
Absolutely stunning captures and talent Daniel -- Sublime photography.

I had a 39Mpixel Hasselblad H3D for a while and upgraded to my current Pentax 645Z. Even though the Pentax is way ahead of the H3D in functionality and use, I preferred the look produced by the Hasselblad, and the difference between 39Mp and 50Mp was clearly made up for by the superior glass on the 'blad. Would love to swap for an X1D but the value of used 645Zs leaves me too much to make up the difference at the moment.
I'm going to be keeping an eye on the 907x, might just be the camera that makes me sell off most of my film medium format/large format kit!
I’m not 100% but is that rear screen only 920k resolution ? It’s what put me off that and the desire to do non square format portraiture.

Yeah I’m going to have to do a hands on with it, depends on the price of the regular version too, the X1D II might be a better choice overall. There’s even the option of just getting the back alone and picking up a 501CM so I could still shoot 6x6 if I wanted.
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Took a few shots last night on the way to the pub :) walked past Guildford station twice...

XCD 45mm is easily handheld at 1/30th, and at ISO3200 still gives nice crispy clean scenes.

1/30th ISO 3200
X1D II - Guildford Station by Daniel Cook, on Flickr

0.3s ISO 400

X1D II - Guildford Station by Daniel Cook, on Flickr

and something else

X1D II - Guildford by Daniel Cook, on Flickr

Yeah. OK !! Stop it now.

I don’t have that kind of money.

(Runs off to buy lottery ticket)

Love the shot with the Cathedral in the background.
Is there much by way of NR going on here? Was a time that MF was notorious for not being very good at higher ISO levels. I mean even beyond 400. They were seen as much more studio gear. But looking at your examples at 1600-3200 they look very clean indeed. How things have changed - some lovely images btw
Is there much by way of NR going on here? Was a time that MF was notorious for not being very good at higher ISO levels. I mean even beyond 400. They were seen as much more studio gear. But looking at your examples at 1600-3200 they look very clean indeed. How things have changed - some lovely images btw

No NR necessary for ISO 3200, I did have a look but it only dulls the crispness.

I did some higher ISO tests, the following are as shot with no noise reduction. 12,800 is colour but I converted the 25,600 to black and white and the colour started to suffer a little more and I just wanted to prove it was very usable as black and white at this ISO level. I could recover the candle highlights and lampshade to some degree if I wanted - but did no editing here.

X1D II - ISO 12800 by Daniel Cook, on Flickr

X1D II - ISO 25600 by Daniel Cook, on Flickr

a couple more from just now on a dog walk

X1D II - Swan by Daniel Cook, on Flickr

X1D II - Leaves by Daniel Cook, on Flickr
No NR necessary for ISO 3200, I did have a look but it only dulls the crispness.

I did some higher ISO tests, the following are as shot with no noise reduction. 12,800 is colour but I converted the 25,600 to black and white and the colour started to suffer a little more and I just wanted to prove it was very usable as black and white at this ISO level. I could recover the candle highlights and lampshade to some degree if I wanted - but did no editing here.

X1D II - ISO 12800 by Daniel Cook, on Flickr

X1D II - ISO 25600 by Daniel Cook, on Flickr

a couple more from just now on a dog walk

X1D II - Swan by Daniel Cook, on Flickr

X1D II - Leaves by Daniel Cook, on Flickr

Nice. I would never touch 12,800, max I ever go is 6400 at a push but then I never had anything that would perform this well at those levels. Looks very decent indeed.
Is there much by way of NR going on here? Was a time that MF was notorious for not being very good at higher ISO levels. I mean even beyond 400. ......
I have to say that my Pentax 645Z performs better than my Canon 1DxMkII when it comes to noise.
Nice. I would never touch 12,800, max I ever go is 6400 at a push but then I never had anything that would perform this well at those levels. Looks very decent indeed.

This is an f3.5 lens, so in dim scenarios where things move the ISO makes up for not having a 1.x lens on full frame...

When I get the 80mm f1.9 lens I look forward to pushing low light hard..
This is an f3.5 lens, so in dim scenarios where things move the ISO makes up for not having a 1.x lens on full frame...

When I get the 80mm f1.9 lens I look forward to pushing low light hard..

f/1.9 should give silly shallow DOF on MF too, could be fun
f/1.9 should give silly shallow DOF on MF too, could be fun
80mm f1.9 on proper 6x45 is roughly equivalent DOF to a 50mm f1.1 on 135 format. On this inbetwix format, it's closer to that of a 50mm f1.4 than it is to a 50mm f1.2. The one disadvantage to larger formats is the depth of field. By the time you hit 6x7, you have the same depth of field as above but at f2.8 instead of f1.9. Large format must be stupidly difficult to work with.

I've been biding my time waiting for a decent phase one digital back for my mamiya cameras but it is still just over £4000. I'm too heavily invested in the mamiya glass to move as it would cost more than common sense allows to change systems. (plus I like shooting film from time to time)
I so LOVE this digital medium format thread..........but nearly cringe to click to view the wonderful images as I simply love the output..! I even try to view with one eye open in case I get hooked.

Keep the fabulous images coming -- wonderful.

I so LOVE this digital medium format thread..........but nearly cringe to click to view the wonderful images as I simply love the output..! I even try to view with one eye open in case I get hooked.

Keep the fabulous images coming -- wonderful.


Hopefully more people will get involved :)

One thing I do find about the Hasselblad is that it's very good at capturing what you see as you see it and then some..

X1D II - Leaves by Daniel Cook, on Flickr
Is there much by way of NR going on here? Was a time that MF was notorious for not being very good at higher ISO levels. I mean even beyond 400. They were seen as much more studio gear. But looking at your examples at 1600-3200 they look very clean indeed. How things have changed - some lovely images btw

I think that was because the early MF sensors were CCD rather than CMOS. CCD was sharper but were, as you say, awful at even moderately high ISOs.

Talking of Fuji MF. A big deal has been made about the IBIS system in the 100Mp camera and how it combats shutter shock (among other things). Does anyone know if the two 50Mp cameras particularly susceptible to shutter shock. Or is this just some marketing hype?

....... Does anyone know if the two 50Mp cameras particularly susceptible to shutter shock. Or is this just some marketing hype?
It's noticeable on the Pentax 645 when the speed is below 1/500th although it has a mirror lock-up button which gets around the problem with little inconvenience.
It's noticeable on the Pentax 645 when the speed is below 1/500th although it has a mirror lock-up button which gets around the problem with little inconvenience.

Ah, odd how this stuff is never mentioned when they release the cameras isn't it. :sneaky:

Since there is no mirror present on the fuji cameras, shutter shock should be minimal. Would have been nice if they had included the option of a few leaf shutter lenses like the LS ones that phase one offer.