Film Photographer of the Year 2024 - Discussion

Just to prove it's one big party on a Friday night in the Sirch household here are the points for January. For the newcomers it is traditional that I do these late and get them wrong :)

The February entries thread is open

I may well pop in and out of here a bit.

Recently (i.e. within the last month) dug out my old film camera (Minolta X-500) with a view to taking it to New York in a couple of months.

Trying various things at the minute (buying a few new (to me)) lenses and kind of enjoying the process. Pardon the pun.

Finding it very hard to stop myself looking at the back of the Camera after each shot though.
February Voting is open
Since we're contemplating a F&C meet soon, I thought I might show this image from the Lake District weekend (in 2015!), which was the first >1 day film meet I went on. Chris @raathistle drove me to Wastwater on the... Sunday?? I used several films there, but it also included a well expired, badly stored roll of Sensia 100 in my Pentax MX (lens unrecorded, looks like a 50 to me, so probably SMC M 50/1.7 at that date). It came out seriously brown, but over the years I've come to really like it! (Proved popular on Mastodon's #SilentSunday, too.)

View attachment 418120

I might try getting that film out from the storage and re-scanning it as Vuescan Raw, then importing it into C1Pro. But I doubt I've the PP skills to improve the colours much!

It's a lovely shot Chris, but is it meant to be in the FPotY entries thread? :)
March voting is open
I'll get the old Nikon F2 out, which is still boxed up from moving house.
March voting is open

I'll have a look later on the big screen and have a vote :)
Congrats to the winner!
Thanks for the reminder and well done @REOS I'll get the points and new thread done later
The April thread is open for entries.
Ooooo look at me doing things on time :rolleyes:

The poll is up, open for 7 days
I see @REOS didn’t submit an image?
And I’ve noticed more votes in total :)
True, and Looks like @REOS didn’t submit one this time..
True, and Looks like @REOS didn’t submit one this time..
Sorry about that. I had issues to deal with last month that caused me to take my eye off the wheel. I have voted though and it’s certainly looking close. I’ll be back in the game I hope next time.
Sorry about that. I had issues to deal with last month that caused me to take my eye off the wheel. I have voted though and it’s certainly looking close. I’ll be back in the game I hope next time.
Absolutely! I’m sure we all have have priorities more important than our hobbies. As long as you’re healthy all good.
A close run contest in April gave us 3 joint winners, @Jammy Dodger, @Kevin Allan and @Marino, I'll do the points later

The May entries thread is open
There's still a few hours to go but so far only 3 entries this month, what do we want to do about voting?

I'm posting this now because I've got a busy weekend and might not back to this until Sunday evening
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Looks like it has to be one vote only?
Shame it's only 3 entries this month, hope there's more later..
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I've almost given up on it TBH due to the lack of interest in previous months! Gone are the days of 20 + entries . There is huge talent in this section it would be awesome if more members would take part, I love the images produced by them, so talented!

I'm concerned about film, it appears the resurgence is well & truly over, film has become stupidly expensive and colour chemicals are difficult to get.

The other evening I went on a long exposure workshop and I took my 6 x 6 film camera, I didn't even set up as it wasn't worth it due to the cost/frame and my expected results.

Very sad about it all.
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I'm concerned about film, it appears the resurgence is well & truly over, film has become stupidly expensive and colour chemicals are difficult to get.

The other evening I went on a long exposure workshop and I took my 6 x 6 film camera, I didn't even set up as it wasn't worth it due to the cost/frame and my expected results.

Very sad about it all.
I'm trying not to think about it much, even though prices can really put me off too.
The first time I gave up on film (around 2010) was because of the prices.
You said you're "Very sad about it all", "concerned about film" so that means you would probably be gutted if you gave up on film.
I've started with digital in 2004 but moved to film in 2005 and was enjoying photography much more. When I quit film, went back to digi I really did not like photography that much until I picked up a film camera again.
I'm trying not to think about it much, even though prices can really put me off too.
The first time I gave up on film (around 2010) was because of the prices.
You said you're "Very sad about it all", "concerned about film" so that means you would probably be gutted if you gave up on film.
I've started with digital in 2004 but moved to film in 2005 and was enjoying photography much more. When I quit film, went back to digi I really did not like photography that much until I picked up a film camera again.
Very similar to this, I have a really good digital camera but to me it's not photography; I hate lightroom & Photoshop which is where digital is at. Unless you are an expert at those editing suites your pictures will always be average.

I love film and at the moment I feel it is close to be coming so expensive I might as well pack it all in