weekly Gav's TP 52 - 2023 - Week 16 - Connected

Good shot Gav.
Angle is just right and the white toaster is spotless.
Excellent image, lighting and composition spot on.
Really well lit to create a low key shot. I like the off-centre composition too.
Really nice shot. Deep blacks and bright whites create a lovely sharp image

Was it backlit??
Nobody has done it so....

Nice sharp shot :rolleyes:
Very good Gav. I especially like the way the light falls on the broken edges.
A very nice shot Gav, you've composed and lighted it well.
Nice bright colour, and great detail on the hairy bits (stamen???) as well as keeping the outline of the petals sharp.

I was scratching my head on the 2 purple petals, till i googled pansies and realised that its how they are!
Nice bright colour, and great detail on the hairy bits (stamen???) as well as keeping the outline of the petals sharp.

I was scratching my head on the 2 purple petals, till i googled pansies and realised that its how they are!
Cheers Graham, f16 at 1:1 just covered the flower head. They come in many patterns and can look a little odd
You've really captured the velvety texture of the petals. Subtle but impactful.
Works for me Gav :)
I'd be happy with that Gav. Absolutely nailed the composition. Lighting is lovely too and the patterns couldn't be more perfect for the theme.

I wonder if anyone will know what it is?? (I don't :D).
Works for me Gav :)
I'd be happy with that Gav. Absolutely nailed the composition. Lighting is lovely too and the patterns couldn't be more perfect for the theme.

I wonder if anyone will know what it is?? (I don't :D).
Nice patterns, looks like a straight on shot of Crocs.
Thank you Gents, I just couldn't get the results I wanted from the colours, I think the light reflected to harshly for the shot, I'll have to practice a bit more...

If you really want to know what I used, see the spoiler .. Brace yourselves :LOL:
A plastic crate ;)