
We didn't really get the anticipated thunder storms here, it just seemed to surround us. As mentioned, I could hear it in the distance at times but it never got to us. It's been a quiet night and currently, a murky but dry morning at 13°C.
Not quite so nice as of late here in London but still very pleasant. Currently 18°C with sunny intervals and a light breeze.

"I'm not sure yet but I'll probably head on back down to Kent either later today or tomorrow, it depends on how much YouTube videoing work I can get done today"
I'm back down in Kent now and it's raining quite steadily, hardly any wind and 12°-C.
It's rained now since about lunchtime yesterday. Nothing heavy but enough to soak everything. I cut the grass yesterday, knowing it was coming. It's showers this morning, with bright spells inbetween but it's set like this for the day. Currently 15°C.
The forecast yesterday (for today) was for some rain this morning. Thankfully, it failed to materialise so we stayed dry on the course! High teens and sunny enough for me to be VERY glad I had the AC in the car sorted last week!
Raining overnight and now a strange day - it doesn't feel warm outside, yet it's muggy inside.
It rained all day yesterday until about 18-00. 13°-C here at the moment and heavily overcast with a light wind but not raining.
Bright and sunny here this morning but it does have that showery feel to the sky, with big, heavy and grey clouds lurking. Nice at the moment though and 14°C.
13 C and overcast at the moment.
Well yesterday turned out to be a lovely warm sunny day from about 10-00 onwards. Today not so good 13°-C at the moment with a light breeze but it has been raining steadily since about 05-00.
It was a pretty dismal start today and stayed like it until after lunch. It didn't rain though but it was pretty meh. The clouds broke after about 2pm and it ended up an cracking afternoon and now into the evening. Currently 17°C at just after 7pm. :cool:
It rained again yesterday until late afternoon and then brightened up a little bit. Today it's 9°-C at the moment and fairly bright with no rain and hardly any wind.
Near perfect weather for the Devon County Show today - sunny but enough breeze to keep the temperature down but not make it a dust bowl!
A belting day. A bit grey to start with but it was stupid early. Turned into a day, that whilst very nice, it was bit hot for me. Currently 19° at almost 8-45pm. :oops: :$

No prizes for guessing what I was doing, I melted, was drenched with sweat, not helped by having to go out for more wood. At least I got to try out our new shower. It's done now though. 320 screws in that thing. I was so happy when I put last one in. :banana::beer:

Got the dog's approval too. (mid right, ish).

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12°-C here at the moment and very overcast and hardly any wind but not raining just yet.
'ot an' 'umid 'ere. Hot and dry, I can handle quite happily but it's too wet in the air for comfort at the moment.
It's been a glorious day here. We got up to 24°C, a little too warm for me. The clouds came in at about 7pm and it looked quite thundery and there was thunder not far away. We got 2, very brief, heavy showers that soon passed. Bone dry again now and 18°C at almost 9pm.
Yesterday turned out to be very overcast and dull all day and quite chilly at times. Today is nice and bright so far with a temperature of 13°-C at the moment and not much wind just yet.
A bit meh at the moment and cooler than it's been. There were some thuderstorms about last night but they missed us. It's fresher this morning as a result though I think.

It's dry though, no sign of rain at the moment. Currently 12°C.
Lovely bright morning here but very windy and 12°-C but feels colder.
Too hot behind the screen on the Bonnie - luckily it's a QR one so can swap it in/out in a second or 2! Lovely while we were moving though.
Gas usage last week ..Saturday to Saturday.. was just three units. It will probably be the same this week .We're around 21-23ºC each day, now.
14°-C here at the moment and has been raining steadily since about 08-00 with quite a bit strong wind.
A belting morning, bright and sunny but a little breezy. Good drying weather.

It's supposed to rain later, so the grass will have to get a clip. Currently a cool 13°C, that'll do me.
After quite a long dry spell, we got rain this afternoon. Not much and it dried up quickly but the drops were huge. I was hoovering the car, which was a little unsettling. I'd planned to cut the grass but rain almost stopped play, I did get it done later on.

Currently dry though, cooler than it's been at 14°C. Tomorrow is supposed to be a washout, we're under a warning for rain.

Nice down the river today though. Not great light for photography but it's looking very lush.

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Bluebell approved too, although I think she has issues about the size of her bum. *cue obvious pun*.

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We've got a massive amount of rain forecast for tomorrow lasting pretty well all day. I think it's going to be the same up most of the West side, north of us, and up into Scotland, too.
Lovely river /bridge photo, Dale and 'Bluebell' looks great,too.

Cheers John. It's a lovely spot there. As for Bluebell, yeah, I'd have to agree, she's a stunner, in her prime now. My 3rd Weim, I'll never be without one.

We've got a massive amount of rain forecast for tomorrow lasting pretty well all day.

Same here, the warnings are out.

I'd run out of time to cut the grass today, it's a big garden and I wasn't really in the mood either. I did get it done though, knowing that we are in for a bit of rain soon and it would be a lot harder to cut next week, and probably still wet as well.

Job's a goo'jun, for now.

It's feeling warm here though, just let the dog out and it's 13°C at 11-30pm.

I'm hoping for thunder.
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It rained again pretty much all day yesterday and is a bit brighter this morning although rain is forecast again. 13°-C at the moment with a stiff breeze but no rain just yet.
Dull and grey early doors this morning but it was dry as well as quite warm. That all changed about 11am and the rain came on and it's not stopped since and also, got heavier. It's a very steady, heavy rain now, at least the garden gets watered and the pond gets topped up.

Currently 14°C.
Very showery here yesterday but much brighter this morning. It's a sunny clear morning but is only 10°-C and feels quite chilly as there is a strong wind.
Cooler this morning but dry so far. It was gorgeous at 06:30 when I was taking Mrs Nod down to work but is now a bit overcast. More comfortable on the course when it's not too hot!
This has been described as a freak event. 'They've' stopped calling floods a once in a hundred years event' Severe flooding takes place every year in a number of places.The mudslide was obviosly caused by persistsant heavy rainfalls. No doubt there will be more such events.

Beautiful sunny clear morning here and 12°-C at the moment with a gentle breeze.