Critique Just hanging around on a friday night - Spider


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My first attempt with a new lens, still need to get the flash right..

Any feed back welcome (edit was done in app on tablet...getting excuses in early ;).. as I'm away from my PC)

-1 outside, spider is only 4mm and was sat in a web on the coner of my shed

Thanks for looking


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I like trying to take close ups of spiders as have a phobia of them.
I like it as the two main eyes look in focus, but it looks like it is floating in space, still a very good image though.
Thank you, been having issues with the flash unit on a new camera and lost the web lack of skill ;)

I love spiders but I do tip toe around the big hairy ones :ROFLMAO:
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Lovely picture, I think they make good subjects.

No technical critique as I don't have enough experience myself, what lens and settings did you use? Also what would it have taken to have the whole subject in focus?
Lovely picture, I think they make good subjects.

No technical critique as I don't have enough experience myself, what lens and settings did you use? Also what would it have taken to have the whole subject in focus?
Thank you, Lens is the Lawoa 100mm macro on Canon 90D, used 2:1, F4, 1/800 and ISO 3200.
But these setting aren't great as I have found out my flash unit is faulty and I have no idea what power it put out.
I'm still finding my feet with this stuff but for full spider focus I think F11 may have got this little one, focus stacking could be an option too.
Sorry I can't be much help :)
Also what would it have taken to have the whole subject in focus?

I'm still finding my feet with this stuff but for full spider focus I think F11 may have got this little one, focus stacking could be an option too.

In macro - the Depth of Field is 1:1 in front of and beyond the point of focus (you cannot apply hyperfocal distance rules in macro as you would in landscape for instance).

To get more in focus, you need to be much further away and then crop heavily, so that the f-stop would have a greater range - but on small subjects (typical of any macro subject) having all of it sharp, would only be achieved by stacking unless the subject is seriously small that the f-stop would be enough....

Rule of thumb - if it has eyes, get them the sharpest, just like you would photographing a person.

In macro - the Depth of Field is 1:1 in front of and beyond the point of focus (you cannot apply hyperfocal distance rules in macro as you would in landscape for instance).

To get more in focus, you need to be much further away and then crop heavily, so that the f-stop would have a greater range - but on small subjects (typical of any macro subject) having all of it sharp, would only be achieved by stacking unless the subject is seriously small that the f-stop would be enough....

Rule of thumb - if it has eyes, get them the sharpest, just like you would photographing a person.

Thanks Paul (y)