Review Kodachrome, 25 & 64 development?

Peter Tenikoff
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hi everyone, new on the block, kanmantoo sth Australia, i wanted to ask anyone if its still possible to get these films developed as i was poking around in the fridge and here were a few films tucked away under a few boxes of 1960's undeveloped video 8 film, i would appreciate very much any response? pep_e.
Hey, and welcome to not only, the forum, but really the best part of the forum :D!

In terms of a direct answer to your question, I think you are out of luck: a worldwide halt on the colour development of kodachrome occurred a decade ago now. To the best of my knowledge, it now cannot be processed with the original chemistry anywhere at all. I have read it can be developed into B&W, but it should be shot at a reduced ISO setting (?), but I'm afraid that's all I know. I found THIS info about it, but I'm sure you've seen this already. Sorry it's not better news!