Meanygate meanderings (and beyond) - a farmed landscape

So. 4 years in.

Are you done yet?
If not, what's the holdup?

To be clear, I love the images, even if I don't always comment - I'm more curious as to what it is you're looking for, or why you're still going - not from an accusatory point of view, just a curious one.

It's somewhere I can get to in a short time when I only have an hour or two spare. I'm not sure there's an end point at this stage because I don't want to embark on a new 'big project' until I've got my sheep book boxed off - and that's probably 12-18 months away - because I know I can only concentrate on one project at a time.

Making the Growing Patterns zine was a sort of chapter, not the end, but I've not found another chapter yet. I thought of putting that in the zine swap but it seemed like a cheat using an old bit of work rather than something new done for the swap.

Ultimately I'd like to get more pictures of work going on to build into something with a final outcome, but that will require more commitment than going out when I happen to have a couple of hours free.

So it's still pretty much practice in looking for, seeing, and taking photos to keep my eye in. Trying to find subjects in the familiar is a challenge, but once spring comes things change pretty regularly out there. Besides, it gets me out of the house and clears my head on days when work has not gone to plan too!
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Plenty of work going on in the fields yesterday afternoon. I walked past the sphagnum moss trials for the first time in ages and the wet winter had made a mess of the original plot, but there are new plots being set up and more irrigation going in (ironically).


To the left of shot was a strange looking machine billowing clouds of steam that looked as if it was 'ironing' the ground.



I was going to ask the operator what was going on but it was a noisy machine and when he got down from it headed up the field.So it was a Google job when I got home. Turns out it's a machine for disinfecting the soil. Every day's a school day.
Mossland machinery today.






Lightroom is driving me nuts. After one upgrade a while back it started making all my files more contrasty, including ones processed ages ago which it has reverted all profiles to Adobe Standard. I made a new profile to use on import which sorted it, but after the latest 'upgrade' it's making that more contrasty. It's making it harder to work on files.