New project: In the shadow of...

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I've just started a new personal project to document my challenges with a chronic health condition that leaves me housebound at times. It will be part documentary, part metaphor and partly a journey through the images that my unconscious is attracted to when I am contemplating my condition.

It's here...
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Looks like a very good start, would like to see more
Look forward to the ongoing project.
Will you post here when you add to content?
As someone else with a chronic health condition I will follow this with interest. Just followed you on Flickr :)
As someone else with a chronic health condition I will follow this with interest. Just followed you on Flickr :)
Thank you. I hope that you find some inspiration from it.
Intriguing start.
Not the kind of thing I have the imagination for. So I'm interested to see how things progress. :)
I'm not sure I have yet, Ed, but we'll see. I'm away for a week hence the lack of activity here.
We have communicated in the past Dean about our health problems, so I'm another looking forward to your project.
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New images added to the project. I'm not sure if it's worth adding some text with each shot, or whether I would be better leaving them open to interpretation.
I've added a few more images. I'm finding myself drawn more and more to the abstract and realised this weekend that I tend to see the world in shapes and patterns.
Very good, particularly like the last one, the person the on the bench outside
Dean, have flicked back to see what you had posted up.

I love some of the images, yes its a very abstract and graphic set so far.
Perhaps a little narrative would help with interpretation; or perhaps that's the point they need to been interpreted on our own?
Dean, have flicked back to see what you had posted up.

I love some of the images, yes its a very abstract and graphic set so far.
Perhaps a little narrative would help with interpretation; or perhaps that's the point they need to been interpreted on our own?
I did consider that, but decided that my condition isn't easy so interpretation of the visual representation shouldn't be easy either. :)
This is the most honest and revealing image I've taken yet.

I've picked this project back up again. For a long time I had no inspiration to shoot at all, but I've since bought an EM5 and found the M43 form perfect for carrying around with me.

Again, I'm not sure if the symbolism in these images is too obvious or too vague, but they're all shot very much as a result of inspiration from Philip Perkis.



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Feeling these.. literally. They make me feel really stressed and trapped, like I want to punch the walls... makes me think I want something, but I don't know what it is.
Feeling these.. literally. They make me feel really stressed and trapped, like I want to punch the walls... makes me think I want something, but I don't know what it is.

Thank you, David. That's exactly how I feel much of the time.
Then the photography is good because that's what they're communicating.


...and that's all that matters.
Then the photography is good because that's what they're communicating.

i don't want to force it, but I'm hoping to remember to take some images at the times where I'm feeling more hopeful too because it's not all darkness and oppression. Maybe it would be more appropriate to shoot those with colour in mind.
Just looked on your flickr, a great start Dean. There are some interesting images on there I am looking forward to seeing more.
Then the photography is good because that's what they're communicating.


...and that's all that matters.

Thank you. I should have said that you have had a massive influence on this too.

Just looked on your flickr, a great start Dean. There are some interesting images on there I am looking forward to seeing more.

Thanks Steve. I appreciate that.

It's a cracking project, i like!

Thanks mate. :)
So long as the cheque is in the post I'm cool. :)