weekly Nod's '23 52 - Week 21 - Near by.

Just remembered to a) put the card back in the camera and b) to set everything back to "normal" rather than high contrast B&W and a small file!
Interesting subject, and the final result sounds like it is exactly as you intended. Caught the texture on that top piece really nicely.
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The hardest part was disposing of the broken pieces...
Hmm, I like.
Good creative thinking and your lighting set up fits the shot.
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Nice one - great for theme and tech.

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Nice comp and idea (y) lot of effort for a treat though ;):LOL:

... I'd have broken the seal and eaten the box full ;)

I ALWAYS let Mrs Nod open any chocolate but I'm then allowed to eat it. Luckily, if I can't see it, I'm not that tempted, even when I know full well it's there for the eating - there's always a bag of Minstrels in my car but a small bag can last a couple of months (but less if we use my car to go out as a couple - not just because we have one [or 2!] each but because we ALWAYS have a couple of portions if Mrs Nod's in the car whereas I often don't bother if I'm on my own).
Two mouthwatering shots Nod. Your explanation of the tech in the Broken shot was really interesting.
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My aim is to do everything in the camera (as far as possible) rather than rely on PP. Mainly because my desktop 'puter won't let me put PSE back on it - it keeps telling me that there's already an Adobe installer running, although I'm bejiggered if I can find anything in Task Manager to close!
Nice one - works really well. I'm with you when it comes to getting it right in the camera. I get a greater sense of achievement from that rather than sitting in front of the computer wondering what to do with an badly composed/exposed image.
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what to do with an badly composed/exposed image.

Very easy - bin it! (Well, don't waste time and energy trying to polish the t*rds!) Having said that, I do sometimes shoot loose and crop for better composition but that's a conscious decision. Even back in (slide) film days, I'd often bracket to make sure I got the exposure right but in camera metering got so good that it was often a waste of frames!
Only one from me this week. The can is full!

Good job I checked! I'm 99% certain I posted this in the main thread yesterday afternoon but it wasn't there this morning! Of course, the 1% is entirely possible...
Good job I checked! I'm 99% certain I posted this in the main thread yesterday afternoon but it wasn't there this morning! Of course, the 1% is entirely possible...
Lots of maintenance going on yesterday so it may have inadvertently vanished. I like the colour of the can against the pale background.
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It is actually! I had a feeling that Chris might have gone for "Empty" this week and I was going to replicate the shot but caption it "but the glass is empty!" so both are still on the worksurface to be shot today! We're out for tea tonight so I'll deal with it tomorrow evening.
It might not be now though! CBA to put it back in the cupboard so did the honourable thing.
Just the one again this week - a close up of an LCD screen showing plain white. Well, the Paint canvas was plain white but I included a little of the background below the canvas. Deliberately slightly off kilter to get the waves of colour.

Clever shot :)
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Catching up:
Full: I would think "soon to be empty Nod", :D
Patterns: Great choice, I wouldn't have thought of that, very creative.
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Nice to 'see' the patterns in the screen that you wouldn't normally see.

Really interesting.
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Not being overendowed with proper tunnels locally (plenty of bridges but none really long enough to qualify as tunnels!), I had to think for a moment until I remembered that I have loads of flesh tunnels to go in my stretched ear lobe piercing. My normal kitchen "studio" got a different backdrop, courtesy of a couple of olive wood chopping boards (bought more for decoration than use - the used ones are a bit cut and stained!) which suited the subject better than the usual plastic composite. Slightly rushed due to Mrs Nod wanting to use the cooker!

Flesh tunnels - every day's a school day!

Nice pick of them :)
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Thanks for the explanation, otherwise I'd have had no idea what they were. Good (and unusual) take on the theme.
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Patterns - what a cracking idea! Points for thinking outside the box.
Tunnel - a fascinating collection.
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I was planning on shooting a pair of new rear suspension units for one of the bikes. Dug them out and I'd forgotten that the springs are hidden behind shrouds so had to rethink! Cherry blossom or rose shoot? I prefer the blossom.


Definitely the blossom for me, although the contrasting colours between the rose and the back ground is very nice.
I was going to do the same, then I saw how filthy the monoshock was and decided I couldn't photograph it until the back wheel comes out and I have given it a good clean:rolleyes:
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I CBA to take the seat off the Bobber so I could see the spring!
Both good shots but I prefer the simplicity of the rose.

Oddly, one of my reasons for choosing the charry flowers is that it's busier! To me, spring is the busiest season so the cluttered look in the BG suits it better.

As my signature says though, that's just my opinion - yours is equally valid!
I think that I agree with Helen, the colours and simplicity of the rose is the one that works the best for me.
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Not much smooth here - glossy, yes but smooth, no! Apart from the inside of eggs! So, here's the inside of a Lindt egg, which is as smooth on the tongue as it looks.

That would have worked well for broken too
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IIRC, I used chocolate for that one too!!!