Pandemic scenes

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I'm not sure that these constitute a 'project' as such, but I've been photographing signs of the pandemic since we entered lock-down back in March. I've some shots as yet undeveloped (all are B&W 35mm film shots so far), so will add those as I get chance.

1 - Now removed, this was the sign on the local GP's surgery advertising the availability of seasonal flu vaccinations. It was taken down not long after the lock-down commenced.

Pandemic scenes - Pre-pandemic flu shots
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr

2 - The new normal when visiting the supermarket. Social distancing in action as people queue to enter Sainsbury's

Pandemic scenes - Social Distancing
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr

3 - As pubs and restaurants closed for business, many of them have used their noticeboards (usually advertising pub quizzes & cabarets etc.) to thank NHS staff and other key workers.

Pandemic scenes - Thank You NHS
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr

4 - The swings in the local park are off-limits. Although the tape has since been removed by someone, the warning signs remain and the swing seats remain tied up.

Pandemic scenes - No swinging
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr

5 - Likewise the climbing frame (and even the bin!).

Pandemic scenes - Helicopter
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr

6 - Ominous signs denote the seriousness of the situation. The park would normally be busy with children of all ages playing on the equipment, or using the court and goalposts for five-a-side games.

Pandemic scenes - Playgrounds closed
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr

7 - Even sombre locations such as this local cemetery are not spared the warning signs.

Pandemic scenes - STAY AT HOME
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
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If I were making a movie about a zombie apocalypse and needed stills to show on the openning credits - these would be a good start.

Esp frame 2. Looks like zombies to me.

8 - The local church. It's been a long time since I've seen any churches in urban / suburban settings with their doors left open in the daytime. It used to be the case that you could find one, wander inside, and then take in the sights, sit and reflect, or - for those so inclined - commune with God. Thanks to the threat of vandalism, theft, and antisocial behaviour, this is rarely the case anymore. And now, due to the pandemic, the church isn't opened at any time at all.

Pandemic scenes - Church
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
11 - Another photo of the local park. This was taken around six weeks ago and it's possible that this scene has changed since then (I haven't walked through recently). Given the news than groups of up to six people can take exercise together (while observing social distancing) from 1 June there may soon be people playing here again - although I'm not sure how 5-a-side would work if you can't get close enough to tackle another player.

Pandemic scenes - no sports
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
14 - Although food outlets have been allowed to continue supplying food via takeaway services throughout the lockdown, the fast food outlets at this retail park had remained closed. The McDonalds at the right of this photograph remains closed as it was partway through refurbishment when the lockdown began, but the KFC is now open for drive-through service. At the time the picture was made it was closed for all service as evidenced by the completely empty car-park.

Empty at the chicken place
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
Really enjoying the project Nige. Still think the 2nd frame in the thread is outstanding. Proper reportage.
It feels very much like we're coming out of the lockdown here in the UK (although the virus is very much still present) so these next few photographs might be the last of the project - or at least this phase of it. I'm sure there will be images to be found in a more active, yet significantly changed country. I guess I'll have to wait and see. Anyway, here are four more images from the initial "in lockdown" batch...

15 - Queuing systems are still in force at the currently opened stores. The one at this branch of Saisbury's has now changed its route however, no longer making use of a section of the car-park and instead snaking along the pavement beside the cars instead. Signs thank shoppers for their support and there's an advert for the BBC's "celebs performing under lockdown" Big Night In telethon that was broadcast on 23 April. The ghostly forms of shoppers queuing at approved social distances can also be seen reflected in the glass.

Pandemic scenes - Please queue here
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr

16 - Technological solutions to help spread the disease have been promoted by stores. Will things ever return to how they were pre-Covid-19, or is this the dawning of a new era?

Pandemic scenes - Stop the spread
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr

17 - A children's playground at the local country park remains off-limits.

Pandemic scenes - No dogs, no children, no-one
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr

18 - Pubs have now been mostly closed for business for the best part of three months. How many will re-open again?

Pandemic scenes - Thank you
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
20 - The 14 June. The day before non-essential retail is allowed to re-open. Debenhams announce their return (although this in-store cafe may take a little longer to receive customers).

Pandemic scenes - Non-essential retail
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr

21 - Construction projects, which would likely have been much closer to completion had the pandemic not delayed work, remain in an unfinished state. Roadside avertising boards give details on how to find help in the crisis for those without close friends and family to assist them.

Pandemic scenes - Coronavirus and construction
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
22 - The main pedestrianised streets in Sheffield have been laid out with central thoroughfares and narrower sections at each side for entering and queueing for shops. Signage has been placed to explain the system.

Pandemic scenes - Walkway
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr

23 - A slightly amateurish typesetting of thanks to the NHS ("NHS Nobody doe sit better" indeed) has been presented above the entrance to the O2 Academy (formerly the Roxy nightclub).

Pandemic scenes - O2 Academey
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr

24 - More signage. This time in the bus station where seating has been restricted and new queueing layouts laid out to aid social distancing.

Pandemic scenes - Bus station
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr
25 - Pubs have been amongst the business longest hit by the lockdown. Although now allowed to trade once more, many have succumbed to the financial impact of the pandemic. This one has now re-opened with a table service system in place.

Pandemic scenes - Two weeks before re-opening
by fishyfish_arcade, on Flickr