Portraits of people

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After watching a You Tube video on Sean Tuckers channel about Gabrielle Motola (Link), I became inspired to start a project that I have always wanted to do but never been able to get over my anxiety to do. I have always liked the 100 Strangers projects and Street photography in general that I have seen on Talk Photography but never quite managed to do it.

Watching the video has helped me overcome my fears and I hope to make my first 100 portraits.

My project started a little slowly on Sunday outside Tate Modern. All things considered, I think it went quite well.

First up is Viktoria. I first noticed Viktoria because of the way her blonde hair contrasted with her black top. I asked if I could take her portrait for a new project of mine and I was happy when she said yes. Viktoria is originally from Sweden and in London studying Poetry, Fashion and Digital Journalism.

Thank you Viktoria.

Portraits of People No. 1 - Viktoria by Lee Francis, on Flickr
I could never do this. I just can't bring myself to ask complete strangers or even people I know, to pose for a photo. So I hold my hand up too you, for being able to get over your anxiety. I'm sure it will be hard at first, but will get easier as time goes on.
Good start by the way.
Very nice portrait Lee!:clap:
I too have anxieties about asking strangers to take their photo.
Well done for tackling it, and succeeding!

I tried it once... actually I once, nervously asked a street busker if I could photograph him, but awkwardly he spoke virtually no English!:facepalm:
He seemed to be open to the idea, but it did somewhat scare me off and I haven't dared try it again!

Best of luck to you Lee, for your project... looking forward to watching as it evolves.(y)
Well done for starting a project like this, I really admire people who can do this, I could never get over my shyness in approaching strangers, looking forward to more.
I could never do this. I just can't bring myself to ask complete strangers or even people I know, to pose for a photo. So I hold my hand up too you, for being able to get over your anxiety. I'm sure it will be hard at first, but will get easier as time goes on.
Good start by the way.
Thank you Dominic. Ironically, I started off thinking in the same way. It did take a few abortive attempts but once I'd done one, the challenge became more of finding the 'right subject'. I do need to concentrate a bit more on the background though...

Very nice portrait Lee!:clap:
I too have anxieties about asking strangers to take their photo.
Well done for tackling it, and succeeding!
I tried it once... actually I once, nervously asked a street busker if I could photograph him, but awkwardly he spoke virtually no English!:facepalm:
He seemed to be open to the idea, but it did somewhat scare me off and I haven't dared try it again!
Best of luck to you Lee, for your project... looking forward to watching as it evolves.(y)
Thank you Gareth. Well done for trying it. I do encourage you to take that leap of faith again though (y)

Well done for starting a project like this, I really admire people who can do this, I could never get over my shyness in approaching strangers, looking forward to more.
Thank you Chris. I won't disagree - it is hard to start with but, like most things, it gets easier with practise. I suspect I will have a similar struggle next time I go out.
My second Portraits of People is of Donald. Whilst listening to a busker outside Tate Modern, Donald's blue jacket caught my eye and I approached him. It turned out he was on the South Bank for photography too but his camera hadn't come out of the bag. I guess we all have days when our art kinda isn't quite there…

All the very best to you Donald.

Portraits of People No. 2 - Donald by Lee Francis, on Flickr[/URL]
Two great portraits from you Lee and I hold my hands up to you as well, as I could never just go up and ask to take a photo so I do it the othe way and not ask. I look forward to seeing more from you in here, plus I`m going to watch the video in your link.
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Two great portraits from you Lee and I hold my hands up to you as well, as I could never just go up and ask to take a photo so I do it the othe way and not ask. I look forward to seeing more from you in here, plus I`m going to watch the video in your link.

Thank you Dave. There will certainly be more as and when I feel in the mood to do it but my goal is to build up to a set of 100.

I personally found the video quite inspirational and well worth watching. I emailed Gabrielle to thank her for being so open in the video and was very pleasantly surprised when she sent an email back with lots of positivity and help.
Portraits of People No.3.
Whilst working up the courage to ask for a portrait photo of people that were milling around, I was listening to Sasha as he was playing some cracking acoustic tracks outside the Tate Modern on the South Bank. I so enjoyed his music that I approached him after his set and asked to buy a CD. As we got talking, I found out a bit more about him. I asked him if I could take his portrait and I was pleased that he said yes. Sahsa is originally from New Zealand but now enjoying musical life over in the UK.

His EP / album 'This Close' is great but the way.

Thank you Sasha.

Portraits of People No. 3 - Sasha by Lee Francis, on Flickr[/URL]
A great start to your project Lee.
Looking forward to seeing how it progresses
A great start to your project Lee.
Looking forward to seeing how it progresses
Great project...following!

Thank you both. The project is going to be quite ad-hoc as it is dependant on me getting out and about with the camera and being in the right frame of mind etc. It may take me a while but I am determined to get to 100 though.
Portraits of People No. 4 - Sargent O'Carroll.

There was a good police presence during the Brexit demo on Saturday 19th October. Sargent O'Carroll stood out for me as he was helping many people with directions etc. Being in the force for 26 years must be full of ups and downs but he helped everyone with a smile. From what I saw, pretty much everyone was in good spirits.
Thank you Sargent O'Carroll.

Portraits of People No. 4 - Sargent O'Carroll by Lee Francis, on Flickr[/URL]
Portraits of People No. 5 - Jasmine.

Whilst wandering around trafalgar Square, I heard quite a few buskers but none made me stop and listen like Jasmine. Her cello playing was beautiful and she had so much passion. I asked Jasmine how long she had been playing. 27 years was the reply and she also plays guitar, bass and synths too!
Thank you Jasmine for brightening my day with your wonderful music.

Portraits of People No. 5 - Jasmine by Lee Francis, on Flickr[/URL]

Portraits of People No. 5 - Jasmine by Lee Francis, on Flickr[/URL]
Portraits of People No. 6 - Leslie.

I saw Leslie coming out of Gabriel's Wharf. I was instantly captivated by her wonderful bright coat. I approached her and asked to take her portrait. I was so happy when she said yes! I asked about her coat and she replied that she has a vintage clothes business. She certainly looked great.
Thank you Leslie.

Portraits of People No. 6 - Leslie by Lee Francis, on Flickr[/URL]
They all look wonderful and glad too see you're keeping up with your personal challenge.
Portraits of People No. 7 - Unity.

I met Unity at a pub whilst on a short break in The Cotswolds. It was my first evening there and he made me feel very welcome. Originally from Zimbabwe, he has been in the UK for just over 20 years. He is working as a cattle herdsman at a local farm and loving it. He mentioned that the pub were showing the rugby final on Saturday. We met again the next morning and he was the only South Africa supporter there! England may have lost the final but Unity made it a great fun morning all the same.

Unity by Lee Francis, on Flickr[/URL]
Portraits of People No. 8 - Claire.

This one is a bit different. I got to know Claire during the rugby final with Unity above. We had a lovely long chat after the game and, after a while, I told her about my project and asked if I could take her portrait. Claire politely declined which I respected and we continued to chat. I noticed her tattoo and asked her about it. Claire said she had it done following a bit of an upheaval in her life about 7 years ago and it signifies a new chapter and a fresh start in her life.

Thank you so much Claire for allowing me to take this photo.

Claire by Lee Francis, on Flickr
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Portraits of people No. 9 - Simon.

Simon is co-owner of The Seven Tuns pub in Chedworth (link) which is the place where I spent quite a large portion of my short break in The Cotswolds. It is an amazing place dating from the 17th century. Having browsed the drinks menu, I noticed several drinks that were around £100 a shot! After asking about them, Simon kindly showed me the red wine and spirit cellar where I asked if I could take his portrait. Simon agreed and the photo below is the result.

The second photo is one of his most expensive bottles of whiskey at around an eye watering £3000!

Thank you Simon.

Red wine cellar by Lee Francis, on Flickr

The good stuff by Lee Francis, on Flickr
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I too am enjoying your project Lee.
I like the variety in your portraits and get a sense that you are enjoying hearing 'the story' behind the person.
The project will 'grab hold of you' I'm sure...its an obsession!
I too am enjoying your project Lee.
I like the variety in your portraits and get a sense that you are enjoying hearing 'the story' behind the person.
The project will 'grab hold of you' I'm sure...its an obsession!
Many thanks Iain. I feel it has already grabbed hold of me!

Excellent. I keep telling myself I'll do this, and never quite have the courage (I shot one person for the 100 strangers project years ago, but only one).
Thank you Tony. It was the last thing I thought that I would do. Perseverance paid off and I am so glad I started it. Maybe give it another try?
Portraits of People No. 10 - Gee.

Apologies for the slight gap in proceedings. A lot has been going on recently and I haven't been out with the camera as much as I would have liked for this project.

Whilst waiting for some friends near Trafalgar Square. I was waiting in Notes Coffee Roasters & Bar. Gee first caught my eye because of his nose ring. He kindly agreed to let me make his portrait. Gee has been working at Notes for around 6 months and makes an amazing flat white.

Gee by Lee Francis, on Flickr[/URL]
Portraits of People No. 13 - Harriet.

Harriet and her partner were in London from Holland for the Six Nations Rugby games. Her bright pink scarf caught my eye and I had to make her and her partner's portrait. I'm so glad they said yes.
Thank you for allowing me to make your portraits.

Harriet by Lee Francis, on Flickr[/URL]

Beautiful couple by Lee Francis, on Flickr[/URL]

Beautiful couple by Lee Francis, on Flickr[/URL]
Portraits of People No. 14 - Sean.

Sean's jacket caught my eye. Being a biker, I first noticed the Triumph badge. Sean is from Rochester in Kent and has several very interesting and sought after classic cars and motorbikes. I could have talked to him about his collection for ages.

Thank you for your time Sean.

Sean by Lee Francis, on Flickr[/URL]
Portraits of People No. 15 - Nick.

Well, this has taken a while! My first portrait of people since February 2020.
This is Nick. He plays an American flat backed Mandolin outside St Martha's on the hill church. Nick purchased the mandolin for spares but repaired it instead as it plays so well. I asked how long he had been playing. His response was 'too long'!
Thank you Nick.

Portraits of people.jpg
Hi Lee.

Just came accross your thread.

Enjoyed the read and the photos. You seem to be able to put your subjects at ease which shows in the images.

Inspirational for sure.

Good luck.

Hi Lee.

Just came accross your thread.

Enjoyed the read and the photos. You seem to be able to put your subjects at ease which shows in the images.

Inspirational for sure.

Good luck.

Many thanks Gaz. Much appreciated. The project continues albeit at a slower pace than previously. I need to build up the confidence to get out and about again and approach people.