Critique Red Veined Darter/Common Darter

Steve France
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I was out looking for the elusive Sea Eagle and came across this beautiful dragonfly. I love the detail in the wings, so delicate ....
Taken in bright daylight with a Nikon 500 PF HH 1/1250 f5.6 (setup for BIF)

31-08-2022 Red-veined Darter.jpg
I think it is a common darter myself

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Thanks for taking your time to reply. It was my best guess and I am notorious for wrong ID's ;)

I sent a ID request to our local wildlife group for clarification and this is their reply - Nice photo Steve, but it is difficult to ID as a Red-veined Darter from that angle. The red veins in the wings are normally more conspicuous and the bottom of the eyes of a Red-veined are blue which is not showing in the right eye of your dragonfly in the photo.

So I am tending towards Common Darter - next time I will endeavour to get images from differing angles !

Thanks Again ..
What ever it is, its a very nice image Steve :)