weekly Seanazz - 52 for 24 - Week 10 Textured

Edit My Images

I’m really struggling with the level on this game, it’s REALLY HARD.

I was scratching my head on this theme.

X-T3 16/1.4
Week 4 - Water


I thought that sticking my head out the window was a bit lazy, but there is a river outside.
I never tire of this view, despite the A63 thundering by most of the day/night. There is always something different to observe.

Fuji X-T3. 16/1.4
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I was confused by how similar this was to another photo I'd seen until I realised you've started a second thread! The reflections on the water are still my favourite bit.
I was confused by how similar this was to another photo I'd seen until I realised you've started a second thread! The reflections on the water are still my favourite bit.
Thank you. I was a bit confused as to the posting process to begin with :)
As above, nice reflections. Wish my view was that good but sadly all I get is my neighbours front door and parked cars...
Thank you. I’m really lucky with the view. Less so when Yorkshire Water release sewage into the river o_O
One of those "Contains images that some viewers may find upsetting" type shots. But I like it. Morbidly fascinating works for me.
One of those "Contains images that some viewers may find upsetting" type shots. But I like it. Morbidly fascinating works for me.
Thanks for the reply, Bob. I hope it doesn’t upset anyone.
Well it's certainly got everyone thinking! Flung from a platform during a tantrum, no doubt.
week 6
Neat and Tidy



This is a chase filled with wooden letterpress.
This is a proof for a poster I’m making.
This form is very neat and tidy, despite the grungy look.

Iphone 8
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Interesting! A fascinating subject for the image, but also exploring the concept of something being neat and tidy, whilst looking a bit messy.

For me, I think I would like it even more if the light was more even across the image - I seem to be losing the whites on the RHS and the blacks on the LHS.

But I love it and look forward to seeing more like it.
Love it.

What I’m trying to get my head around though is how it’s legible.

I thought/assumed it all had to be backwards in the block to be able to print it.

Confused of High Wycombe.
Thank you. You are correct, it should be reversed. I flipped it for the purpose of posting on here
Interesting! A fascinating subject for the image, but also exploring the concept of something being neat and tidy, whilst looking a bit messy.

For me, I think I would like it even more if the light was more even across the image - I seem to be losing the whites on the RHS and the blacks on the LHS.

But I love it and look forward to seeing more like it.
Thank you. I hadn’t considered the light, but it would have helped. Next time

I was a smoker for 25 years. Happily a non-smoker for the last 15.
Many of the rough sleepers will pull the stubbed out cigs from the underside of the grill.
Who can point the finger of blame when a packet of 20 is nearly £20 ?

The picture is deliberately uneven at the borders. I’m exploring having images slightly of centre as it sets
up a visual tension.

X-T3 - 16 1.4
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I can smelly it from here. Filthy habbit. Well seen scene :)
Great idea for filthy and most people agree with you, interesting idea re uneven borders.
Better there than on the streets, only ever smoked 2 fags in my life, lucky for me, I would ban them and vapes as well as drugs, I could live without alcohol but would miss that.
Definitely a filthy habit.. can't beleve how much they cost now. Thank goodness, like you, I gave up years ago.
Neat and tidy: Really like this, it's neat and tidy despite looking messy.
Filthy: Great shot for the topic. I like the idea of the uneven border experiment, but might have put it a little more off centre than it is.

I am a freelance cartoonist who self publishes comics. I took this picture for an interview to show my WHOLE self-published output.
Thanks everyone for responding to my posts really appreciate the responses
Wow - Skillz!

Nice shot of them :)