The Chicken Shack

Thanks for an interesting thread.
I know this project is pretty much concluded, but I offered my services as 'official photographer' to the bantam society for their big show at the weekend. My plan was to sort out a cheap and reasonably efficient set up that anyone with a camera could use. In the hope that I wouldn't have got myself committed to future events. Apart rom another club's show in a fortnight... :rolleyes:

As I was there I took pictures of my own, some of which have been added to the project file.

Shining up the feet.


Judging book and prize cards.


Judges compare notes.


The results are noted down.


Any road. This was the set up for the official photos. The club already had the board and background as used by their other photographer. Having seen what he did I had a rough idea how to go about things. The LED lights weren't ideal (no control over brightness) but helped to soften the shadow from the on camera speedlight. This really is outside of my comfort zone!


Some of the results were better than others, and some subjects trickier than others. It would have been a lot easier if the pesky birds would stand still for more than a nano-second!


I had a play around using my compact as a video camera, as an experiment. For anyone who hasn't been to a poultry show it looks, and perhaps more importantly sounds, something like this poorly edited footage. :D

It seems like my photos (the individual birds and the one of the two judges) were good enough for Fancy Fowl magazine. All I have to do now is train one or more of the club members to use my 'studio' set up and I'm off the hook! :)


There was another show and an auction the other weekend but I really have run out of steam and took very few pictures. Time to work out how to approach a project to do with sheep...




Congratulations! I look forward to your sheepy photos.
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Congratulations! I look forward to your sheepy photos.

The avian flu outbreak last winter/spring had a knock on effect for the poultry shows round here so I went to agricultural shows during the summer and found myself hanging around the sheep pens. :exit: :LOL:
OK. So I can't keep away from poultry.:D

There was an auction and show last Saturday so I thought I'd try a slightly different approach using a small, silent camera I could use the screen to frame shots, and a longer lens on my DSLR. Not sure I got anything different, but it made a change.





Then I reverted to type and used my usual set-up.



One good thing about the local bantam society is their show hall is about ten minutes drive away. Although that makes it hard to resist visiting on show days...

As with anything you visit frequently it gets more and more difficult to find new things to photograph. Over familiarity makes it harder to keep looking with fresh eyes. But every now and then something different jumps out at you. Today it was an old set of scales. Most egg judges use electronic scales, but not today's judge.


I've found that with fewer things interesting me I'm spending more time on anything that does catch my attention. I must have taken ten or more shots of these scales, and a good job too because only three or four weren't either blurred or out of focus! I also spent quite some time trying to make the next shot work. I don't think I did in the end, but it's OK. If the people and poultry don't make shapes or gestures to 'finish' the picture there's not a lot that can be done about it.


Last year's avian flu has had a big impact on the show scene. Birds are now routinely inspected on arrival, and carriers have to be of a certain specification - which has been a boost for manufacturers of poultry carrying boxes! I managed to get to the show early enough to get one reasonable picture of the inspections. A pity they do it under a blue gazebo.


Photos of people taking photos with phones (or using the screens of cameras) have become something fo a cliché, but I don't care. I finally got one I'm happy with.


That's about it. Apart from a snap of one man and his duck which made me smile for some reason.

Good to see the return of "The Chicken Shack" Dave and as usual you've done a great job of capturing the atmosphere of the occasion. Love the shot of the bloke with the duck draped over his shoulder.
Good to see the return of "The Chicken Shack" Dave and as usual you've done a great job of capturing the atmosphere of the occasion. Love the shot of the bloke with the duck draped over his shoulder.
Thanks Pete. It was one of those moments when I just had to grab a shot!
It being a wet Saturday I thought I might as well go to the poultry auction, even though I felt a bit jaded with the subject. As it turned out I found myself doing something different. Since going digital I've taken against black and white conversions. A personal prejudice. But today I broke my own rule. At least shooting digital I still have the colour originals. :)

I was never any good at making black and white prints, and I'm no better with digital conversions! Here are a few from today.







I'm not sure if it's the shows or the bacon barms that keep drawing me back to the bantam society shows. Being ten minutes from home probably contributes. Anyway it was egg show day today and although I wasn't expecting much I got a couple of 'cracking' pictures. The pointy wooden egg cracker was something I hadn't seen before. I was lucky to time the shot just before contact.


Then I tried to get the ultimate contents picture. I doubt i managed that, but I got one of my best so far - out of a burst of ten frames I think this one 'tells the stroy' best.


There are other pictures of judging and the usual goings on which are much like those i've taken in the past. I did try some different angles though.


And some 'arty' shots.


Because there were only a few entries for the junior poultry show the club room was pretty much as it is when not in use which allowed for a couple of behind the scenes type pictures to show the brushes and tools used for cleaning up after a show. There's always something to see if I can keep my eyes fresh. Agricultural show season starts soon. There might be poultry, there probably will be sheep...


I got collared at the last show by the organiser of the poultry section of an agricultural show. He wanted some photos taking. I was going to the show anyway so a free ticket and car park pass was welcome. However it sort of put the pressure on me as I guessed I'd have to hang around for the presentations and get some 'publicity' type photos. Not my strong point. e.g. man with trophy growing out of his head...


At least the pictures are reasonably in focus and exposed.

I did get one or two candid shots of the organising team, which I hope they'll like.


Again, smiley people are not my style.

I still don't have a decent picture of the new inspection regime for arrivals at shows. I think this is my best so far.


And queuing for the prize money is another addition to the files.


I got some of the usual setting up and judging pictures.




Plus the trying to find unusual stuff.


It was red hot day and the poultry tent wasn't well ventilated. I'm pretty sure that the heat sapped my ability to find pictures. Particularly as I wanted to do some stuff around the sheep pens - which were as far away from the poultry tent as they could have been, and lacking shade. I got there just after eight and left around four fifteen. I think the two hour sit downI had in the early afternoon saved me from collapsing! My efforts at the sheep pens wasn't any more productive. The bright, high sun wasn't helping matters, but I'll post some pics in my sheep thread later. I got one or two reasonable pictures around the showground in a humorous/surreal 'street' style,and I could spend the whole day oat one of these shows photographing dogs and their owners. :)
It had been a toss up whether I went to yet another poultry auction or a sheepdog trial at a country show. From the publicity the show seemed to me like it would be all knick-knacks and country clothing and just happened to have sheepdogs. I thought I'd have a change and it t turned out that there was a poultry show too. As I was there to try to get some sheepdog photos (I got hundreds which I'm wading through right now!) I didn't take many in the poultry tent, but I got a few more for the files.




Not poultry, but poultry themed. :)

I think this project has finally worn itself out. I was at an agricultural show today and just couldn't get into the poultry at all. Just more of the same old stuff really. It's been fun, I've learned a lot about showing poultry, and met lots of friendly people. I've learned a bit about taking photographs and organising the results too. So all in all a very satisfying experience. So these are probably the last few photos I'll be posting here. Thanks for all the feedback and comments. They've been helpful and appreciated.





Just when I thought it was all over... The poultry marquee was right by the sheep pens today! I even managed a couple of somewhat different pictures too.

The organisers removed the front of the marquee to let air in as it was baking hot again. Hence:


Other than that is was semi-abstract time.



And a very clean judging coat.

Although I spent some time in the poultry marquees at agricultural shows this summer I was mostly photographing sheep. As a result of this I haven't got many worthwhile pictures. And as I've mentioned before, finding new pictures is getting harder. It was more a case of looking for something unusual, or getting lucky.


The local poultry club holds an auction every year and as it's only ten minutes away I popped along to see what was going on. I didn't manage much of the auction itself but got a couple of pictures that help build the bigger picture of this world. I think there is scope to do more in this area.



The bigger auction at the mart didn't provide me with anything out of the usual last month. Just variations on previous themes.


I was late getting to yesterday's local show, the judging was already under way when I arrived. This time I tried a slightly bolder approach, getting in closer, which I think was a good move. Hopefully I'll give it another try in a fortnight at another show.




As I was feeling uninspired after the judging was done I thought I'd have a dummy run at photographing chicken feet to make a grid. To do it properly would require the birds to be out of the pens and standing on a clean surface. Better lighting would be preferred too. Whether I'll ever get round to taking this idea any further I doubt. Planning isn't my strong point...

This project has run its course, but I'll probably carry on taking photos at poultry shows. I might get some fresh ideas!
To my surprise I managed to add a couple of new pictures to my files at today's 900 pen show. One of a bird being taken from its pen and another of a judge filling in a judging book. Perhaps not the best such pictures, but they fill in some gaps.



There was a slightly different take on judging the eggs...


...yet another chicken prettifying shot...

7512022-5,large.1542487068.jpg owner having a final check before penning...


...and finally one I took because I liked the way the light was falling.


This show was held at the auction mart where there was a sale in progress. I didn't spend much time in there and came away with nothing fresh. It really is time I kicked this poultry habit and moved on to something fresh!
Same venue, different show. I wasn't really in the mood for another poultry show last weekend as I feel like it's time to move on from chickens and was expecting to end up with more of the same old same old. There was a lot of that but in a way it made me think a bit and look out for different angles. I always say there's no such thing as inspiration, there's only work, and the more work you make the greater the chance of new pictures being found. Rather than stopping digging when you're in a hole, carry on and dig your way out of it!

The show was celebrating it's 50th and I was hoping to find a picture to illustrate this. Maybe the show catalogue or something similar. When I saw a pile of special rosettes by the championship row it was a gift. I spent some time trying to make a decent job of it and after trying some 'clever' shots with the rosettes in the foreground and people in the background I thought a straight on view worked best.


Even when repeating myself I have it in mind to take pictures which can be put together in a set to briefly tell the story of the day, or most of it. I find that gives me something to aim for and keeps me thinking.

The now obligatory biosecurity inspection is something that has proved tricky to show in a picture. I think this is my best effort sow far as there is a cock's comb just visible in the right hand box. Although it was the appropriate name on the left hand box which had originally caught my eye.


Then it was on to the judging and nothing out of the ordinary apart from the measuring of eggs which I can't recall photographing before. Certtianly not with such a pleasing colour palette.




With the judging done prize cards have to be sorted out. There's a lot of work goes into running these shows.


But it seems to be enjoyable.


Best in show was barely visible for cards and rosettes.


Next Saturday there is a sheep sale, a sheep dog trial, and a poultry show. This Saturday's sheep dog trial was easy to skip given the gale force wind and cold rain, but next week the chooks are going to have to manage without me. It's time for me to concentrate on moving my sheep project forward.
Although I've skipped a poultry show and an auction in favour of sheep dog trials of late I still found myself at the mart for yesterday's poultry sale. It was probably the lack of a better offer because I wasn't all that enthusiastic. What is there left for me to get photographs of? As it turned out, there were a few things. Mostly the booking in and cataloguing of the hatching eggs and deadstock. They take entries on the day for this part of the sale and the numbers of eggs arriving took everyone by surprise. There weren't enough tables to take them all and some ended up being stashed on the floor.

There's a lot of paper involved in these sales. Both booking in and booking out. This was the scene as the eggs were arriving.


Each sheet relates to a lot, which has to have the correct number assigned to it. I'm in two minds about low angle shots. They can have impact, but at teh same time can look a bit like a trick. I've probably not explained that very well. Does the form trump the content?


It took a lot of attempts to get a clear picture of a number being applied to a lot.


Then there are the buyers making notes in their catalogues of which lots they are interested in. I liked the repetition in this frame.


The sale ring for the eggs and deadstock isn't the best location for getting a decent angle on anything once the auction is under way. It's not much better in the big shed where the poultry cages are, but this time I decided to do the obvious thing and photograph people in the throng when I could get a decent angle. I guess these sort of pictures add a it of 'seasoning' to the project.



Early on the light coming through the doors and the slats of the shed was making for photogenic effects. Somehow, to me, this kind of thing is a bit obvious and kind of 'so what?". I still couldn't resist a taking a few frames though.


I even liked the light in the mart café!


As ever the eight picture per post limit leaves me wondering if I've picked the best, or most relevant, frames. I've started shooting a lot more than I sued to - the result of a faster PC which makes editing the haul down less of a chore. 600 frames were easily reduced to 200, and 45 for a gallery on my website. I don't delete also rans or near duplicates. This is a hangover from the days of slide film when I used to ensure I had 'spares' when I sent pictures to magazines which had a reputation for damaging or losing slides. I also developed the habit of keeping similar pictures as they can sometimes be different enough to work better in different places or layouts. Not knowing where (if anywhere) my pictures might find an audience I still operate this way. And some pictures serve as a reminder to make a better version of them in the future.

Thanks for reading this self-indulgent drivel and looking at the pics if you've got this far!
It's all about the story and not so much the images (I mean the images tell the story so they're obviously important), but perfection and pristine-ness aren't important to me at all. Looking back through the thread, I think this has come together as a lovely finished piece and something I could easily see in a special interest magazine. Your words are interesting to read as well, so the whole package fits nicely together.

I also love people photography, so your latter images of... people... appeal to me too. There are quite a few on your web gallery that I think I would have preferred (7500712-39 in particular is fab).

Thanks for sharing your journey :)
It's all about the story and not so much the images (I mean the images tell the story so they're obviously important), but perfection and pristine-ness aren't important to me at all. Looking back through the thread, I think this has come together as a lovely finished piece and something I could easily see in a special interest magazine. Your words are interesting to read as well, so the whole package fits nicely together.

I also love people photography, so your latter images of... people... appeal to me too. There are quite a few on your web gallery that I think I would have preferred (7500712-39 in particular is fab).

Thanks for sharing your journey :)

Thanks Ian. I almost included the picture you mention. It is one of my favourites from the day as there is a lot going on in it when you look.

The frame before was sort of OK, but when I saw the hand with the pen come down It made the picture.

John with the stick pointing to the cage just bid on, the winning bidder holding his bidder number aloft, the expressions, the pen, the mug, even (if you know what it is) the loudspeaker on the auctioneer's belt with the lead to his headset, the pens of chickens in the background. And it's all organised in a vague circle to keep a viewer's eye moving round the picture.


It may well be time to draw this project together and make a final edit from everything. That's the hardest part of projects - which is all too easily put off!
It's the yellow ticket that drew me. All eyes are on it - even the subject (sort of) and even the pen is pointing at it.

Agreed that there is a lot going on in it, but for me - that illustrates the frenetic atmosphere of the moment.
It's the yellow ticket that drew me. All eyes are on it - even the subject (sort of) and even the pen is pointing at it.

Agreed that there is a lot going on in it, but for me - that illustrates the frenetic atmosphere of the moment.

And to think the yellow ticket being the focus never occurred to me!

For some time at this sort of event I've been trying to make pictures which go against the often quoted advice to simplify photographic compositions. It's a lot easier for a painter, or someone who sets up their photographs, but documentary photographers have done it. Tony Ray Jones springs to mind -

And I've always admired Rembrandt -

I'm not in the same league as either of them! That doesn't stop me trying.
When you think you've seen it all...

I wasn't all that bothered about going to the egg show today, although I couldn't think of anything else to do that wasn't work. I'm also trying to thin out my camera gear and thought it could be a good place to see what wasn't working well enough for my needs to justify me keeping it. That panned out as I expected it - but with a bit of a twist.

Hopes for anything out of the ordinary weren't high, however I'd never seen plates of eggs being measured for consistent size with a stick before. The camera I used did an OK job. It'll not be getting used for this sort of stuff again though.



I've tried a few takes on people photographing things using a phone or camera's back screen. This is one that works well to my mind. The camera's one of those Samsungs with all the controls on the screen, and Simon takes some inventive photos with it which he enters in poultry shows photo sections.



Something else I've taken a few shots of over the years is this tray of leg rings. I knew there was a picture in there somewhere.


That's my flirtation with smaller and smaller sensor cameras over. If I didn't spend much of my time photographing in dingy environments I'd be well happy with m4/3. But I do and even DX sensors don't cut it for me.

The surprise was that I didn't feel hampered by using two focal lengths - full frame equivalents of 35mm and 90mm. Given that I'm happy with 28/50/100mm focal lengths it wasn't a big surprise.

More unexpected at the show was being asked by a committee member of another club if I do slide shows! I'm not sure what I could talk about to a load of poultry fanciers. I couldn't talk about poultry, and photography would probably bore them rigid. Still it was flattering to be asked. The club which ran jubilee show I took photos at are hoping to produce a commemorative book, for which I've supplied some images as a way of giving something back. I hope they get the funds together as the book would mean at least some of my photos being saved for posterity!

And that's a wrap, folks. I'll probably pootle along taking poultry pics now and then but I reckon this thread has run its course.

Thanks for following this thread. All comments have been appreciated and helpful. Over to my sheep project for more self-indulgent wittering!
Ed, it has been fun watching the images.
Enjoyed the project and the images you have produces.
Going onto Sheep now are we??
More unexpected at the show was being asked by a committee member of another club if I do slide shows! I'm not sure what I could talk about to a load of poultry fanciers. I couldn't talk about poultry, and photography would probably bore them rigid. Still it was flattering to be asked. The club which ran jubilee show I took photos at are hoping to produce a commemorative book, for which I've supplied some images as a way of giving something back. I hope they get the funds together as the book would mean at least some of my photos being saved for posterity!
You’re not going to talk about poultry or photography but you could talk about why you think it’s a good idea to photograph shows and perhaps what makes an interesting poultry show photo for outsiders — I’m sure they all like to have portraits of their best birds but that’s not particularly interesting to others.
You’re not going to talk about poultry or photography but you could talk about why you think it’s a good idea to photograph shows and perhaps what makes an interesting poultry show photo for outsiders — I’m sure they all like to have portraits of their best birds but that’s not particularly interesting to others.
That's really helpful. More talk about my motivation for photographing poultry shows?

I'm not sure how long I could waffle on about it though. Then again, once I get started. :LOL:

To be honest my bigger concern is the technology. I've only done one digital 'slideshow' and it was a bit of a farce because the equipment wasn't up to much, nobody else knew how to use it, and the screen was at an angle to the projector making all the pictures an odd shape.
Somewhat OT but at least most of those are more informative that the roadside potato signs!

Farmers used to say at least “Potatoes — Reds & Whites” or similar but now they just say “Potatoes”. I suppose most people don’t care about the variety but it slightly depresses me that farmers don’t seem to care either :(. On the other hand I‘ve socialised with farmers at buffet meals and they seem to only eat meat, so there is that :).
Somewhat OT but at least most of those are more informative that the roadside potato signs!

Farmers used to say at least “Potatoes — Reds & Whites” or similar but now they just say “Potatoes”. I suppose most people don’t care about the variety but it slightly depresses me that farmers don’t seem to care either :(. On the other hand I‘ve socialised with farmers at buffet meals and they seem to only eat meat, so there is that :).
Considering how many potatoes are grown round where I live I can't recall many signs advertising them for sale. No doubt I'll start noticing them everywhere I go now! or it might be a case that there are quite a few farm shops which sell a variety of produce.
Considering how many potatoes are grown round where I live I can't recall many signs advertising them for sale. No doubt I'll start noticing them everywhere I go now! or it might be a case that there are quite a few farm shops which sell a variety of produce.
I don’t think potato signs will make another project :(.
I just happen to have a very old book that belonged to my grandfather called Poultry Keeping ( The hobby book ) edited by A Williams but there is no date on it. appears to be around the 1912 as far as I can find out


one of the many pages
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Bloody typical. I've been hoping for ages to get a picture of a chicken walking past the egg sales board. I've had near misses but when I get the perfect set up what could go wrong?

Rain washing the chalk off the board in the morning! :banghead:

Although this project has come to an end I went along to the local show today. Covid shut most of them down last year and I missed September's because I was ill. I went mainly to play with a new lens, and to sell a couple of my poultry show books to someone I'd promised at an agricultural show. As I expected I was repeating myself. However, the club 'shed' had been extended! It really is a forward thinking club. Not only have the made room for more show pens they've added an office and a store room. A pity they hadn't got rid of the bloody awful strip lights which cycle through a rainbow of colours making it difficult to maintain a consistent white balance without using a speed that is slower than chicken-speed! Anyway the lens worked well.

Just a few pics.

Can you spot the join?








The new lens is a macro.

Nope. Can't spot the join. Wasn't looking.

That last one is fab. I have been trying to do chicken portraits for a long time now and failed spectacularly at every turn as they move so flippin' quick! If I could get a photo like that last one of one of our girls I'd be chuffed to bits.

I'll go back in my hole now...
That last one is fab. I have been trying to do chicken portraits for a long time now and failed spectacularly at every turn as they move so flippin' quick! If I could get a photo like that last one of one of our girls I'd be chuffed to bits.
Ta. Chooks are twitchy buggers. Much worse than sheep! Considering that one was shot at 1/125th I reckon I just got lucky. ;)

Not so with this one. It was looking at me when I pressed the shutter button! :LOL:
