The Rubbish and Recycling Open Thread

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We all create it but how often do we record it? Let's see your take on disposal...

Rubbish on back of truck Exmouth E-PL5 P8300010.JPG
Getting the message across...

Dog poo fairy sign on bin Panasonic TZ40 1010532.JPG
That bath water's got to go somewhere...

Bath waste to drain pipe replacement  parts fitted GX7 P1140484.JPG
A road cleaning truck in the Austrian Tyrol...

Road cleaning truck in Seefeld B0118.JPG
It's all gotta go somewhere ..

...and it has to come from somewhere...

Street Cleaner's trolley High Street Exeter G5 P1070046.jpg
Where there's muck there's brass :D

Yes, seems so. Metals are doing well these days.

I do wonder how long we can keep sending the approximately 24% of total waste to landfill that currently goes there.
Yes, seems so. Metals are doing well these days.

I do wonder how long we can keep sending the approximately 24% of total waste to landfill that currently goes there.
I'm out of the game now, but last I heard there are more burners planned for the UK, rubbish into fuel :)
...and at the sharp end, there's a not so small army dedicated to fighting the mess on our streets...

Street cleaners Paris street Exeter P1230848.JPG
While we're at it why is it when I put scrap metal out there's not an Eastern European to be seen but when I don't there's loads collecting scrap on my road :(

It's amazing how much modern vacuum cleaners pick up. This is just half an hour's worth from using our Shark around the house...

Detritus from Shark Vacuum cleaner P1140632.JPG
Land fill pond fill - building rubbish removal. Be careful when digging a big pond - one day you might have to fill it in.

Filling a pond_1_06.JPG
For when you finally get around to clearing out the garden shed...

Waste tipper lorry (Coastal) G9 P1013363.jpg
Just the one RoRo?
Years ago, I caught what looked like it ought to be a nice simple job, transferring waste management data from an old to a new system. The only thing in the contract specification that seemed a little odd was that the deliverable wasn't the actual transfer but a programmable tool to do the work. I thought it sounded like overkill.

Then I was handed the data dictionary for the existing system, which ran to well over 100 pages! :wideyed:
Human waste ?

Here in East Devon, we get a recycling collection once a week and a landfill waste collection once every three weeks.

You might think that would lead to bulging dustbins but here is three weeks worth going in the landfill sack...

Black bag of rubbish on landfill sack FZ82 P1010476 copy.jpeg