Urban Fragments - an open thread

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We have threads for sharing street photos, windows and doors, stairs, and various other small bits of urban "stuff" but we don't have a thread for sharing miscellaneous urban fragments. So this is a kind of catch-all thread for anything that doesn't go in the other threads. Or that does. It doesn't matter as long as it's at least vaguely urban. I'll start us off with these four photos. Now let's see yours. And maybe we can all get some inspiration for next time we're out and about with a camera.

This is a sharing thread, by the way, so critique isn't necessary.

Scrap 0307 by Garry Knight, on Flickr

Scrap 0308 by Garry Knight, on Flickr

Scrap 0309 by Garry Knight, on Flickr

Scrap 0310 by Garry Knight, on Flickr
A 'fragment' that I have never seen before in central Bristol - I went to the top of an NCP car park to view the skyline and noticed this old concrete tower (on the left).
I can only assume it was something used for training firefighters as it is in an area that used to be shared by Bridewell Police Station and the Fire Station.Fragment.jpg
We have threads for sharing street photos, windows and doors, stairs, and various other small bits of urban "stuff" but we don't have a thread for sharing miscellaneous urban fragments. So this is a kind of catch-all thread for anything that doesn't go in the other threads. Or that does. It doesn't matter as long as it's at least vaguely urban. I'll start us off with these four photos. Now let's see yours. And maybe we can all get some inspiration for next time we're out and about with a camera.

This is a sharing thread, by the way, so critique isn't necessary.

Scrap 0307 by Garry Knight, on Flickr

Scrap 0308 by Garry Knight, on Flickr

Scrap 0309 by Garry Knight, on Flickr

Scrap 0310 by Garry Knight, on Flickr

Great idea for a thread Garry.

I'll have to save a lot more of my stuff to put in the thread as I usually bin far more than I keep. If I don't think a snap is remotely usable I bin it, unless it holds some sentimental or personal reason for saving it. Probably much the same as a lot of snappers on TP. I guess I'll also have to increase my Flickr A/C to Pro and maybe set up an album for scrap or something very similar to what I see you have done.
A 'fragment' that I have never seen before in central Bristol - I went to the top of an NCP car park to view the skyline and noticed this old concrete tower (on the left).
I can only assume it was something used for training firefighters as it is in an area that used to be shared by Bridewell Police Station and the Fire Station.

Looks like someone has been taking pot shots at it with a trebuchet. :D

Great idea for a thread Garry.
Thanks, George. :)

I guess I'll also have to increase my Flickr A/C to Pro and maybe set up an album for scrap or something very similar to what I see you have done.

Um... That's 'scrap' as in 'scrapbook', not as in 'scrapyard'. :D
Um... That's 'scrap' as in 'scrapbook', not as in 'scrapyard'.

Yes I'm well aware of that, as I've viewed your flickr album from time to time and thought that some of it was quite usable.
Great idea for a thread....

Bituminous stalactite. Bitumous gook that drips from one of many holes in a steel box section rail bridge. Drips slow to a halt in winter, but drips faster in summer (maybe one drip a month) and makes small puddles on the ground.

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Hi guys, here's a few from me. From the archives, with some new to follow. :cool:


