WBMT.....What baffled me today

Why only ~ £2k when caught red handed?

Some drivers and speed humps.

Our road has speed humps but some drivers appear to be so incensed that no restriction is going to make them reduce their speed they are willing to scrape their car as they go over the humps.

WBMT, well, we had a lovely salad dinner tonight, I was clearing the plates and I could not understand why a piece of lettuce would not clear from my dinner plate! No matter how much I scraped it wouldn’t budge!

After about ten seconds I realised it was the pattern on the plate :(

Lesson, turn the light on:)
My elderly neighbour volunteered to dog sit a friends daughter’s dog.
Instructions were to hand feed the dog all meals and it only sleeps on her bed!

Needless to say once she had gone the dog in question got his food in a bowl and slept in the kitchen :)
I had a baffling thing at Tesco.

I take someone with health issues shopping and that's what we were doing. So, up and down the aisles we went and at one point a couple pushing a trolley said "Excuse me" which wasn't baffling in itself but what was was that I wasn't remotely in their way. It wasn't until later that I thought that they may have had some sort of vision impairment or some other physical thing... or something... which meant that I was somehow in their way although I couldn't really see how I was. You'd have to have been there. I suppose another explanation was that they were undertaking some sort of social experiment or just having a laugh. I'll never know.

It was just a baffling moment.
I had a baffling thing at Tesco.

I take someone with health issues shopping and that's what we were doing. So, up and down the aisles we went and at one point a couple pushing a trolley said "Excuse me" which wasn't baffling in itself but what was was that I wasn't remotely in their way. It wasn't until later that I thought that they may have had some sort of vision impairment or some other physical thing... or something... which meant that I was somehow in their way although I couldn't really see how I was. You'd have to have been there. I suppose another explanation was that they were undertaking some sort of social experiment or just having a laugh. I'll never know.

It was just a baffling moment.

So did you move?