WCMUT....what cheered me up today

WCMUJN - eating about half a tin (so roughly 2kg) of quality street ... aklthough i do feel a bit sick now

Hmmmm must be one hell of a tin.
Largest I can find with a quick look is 1.37 kg (chocolate weight incl. wrappers) for the whole tin ;)
[innuendo] Rubbing a wet pussy until it's reduced to a quivering, purring wreck (and is dry!) [/innuendo]

TBH, the fact that I'm due to be on a course this lunchtime isn't enough to spoil the day, although actually being out there in this weather for a couple of hours just might dampen my enthusiasm!
venison stew - and it wasnt too dear
Laying out in the back garden in shirtsleeves with the cat lying on my lap. Staring up at a clear blue sky.

Froze me nuts off but it was a lovely few minutes!!!
Earlier this year purchased a Honda HR 194 mower for my business...without grassbox. oould I find another..beginning to feel like looking for a virgin in a maternity ward. did'nt intend to visit local recycling cerntre but did & there's a tatty 194 C/W grassbox for sale

and reading elsewhere online the acronym having one of those CRAFT moments (Can't remember a Fing thing...)
Like the CRAFT!!!

Another thing cheered me up today - went for a short spin on the Royal Enfield. Only down to town and back but always good to be on 2 wheels unless it's persisting down!
Watched the highlights of the last day of probably the greatest test match I've ever seen.

Australia v India, first test.

Virat Kohli is destined to sit alongside Tendulka in the pantheon of Indian gods..

Spoiled by the suspicion that we might have seen the last of Michael Clarke.
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Sunday lunch out!

Not only that but the university students seem to have pished off home so no braying buffoons at the bar or queues at the carvery counter.
Finding a parking space in the city centre without having to do a full circuit. Actually had a choice!
Free Christmas parking in town.
Result...especially as my trip to town had naff all to do with Christmas.
It's the little things....... :)
Mine wasn't free but I was still chuffed at finding a space!

My trip wasn't originally planned to include a stop, just to drop Mrs Nod off to meet a couple of her students for coffee then another few for lunch but when I managed to snaffle a space, I took advantage and picked up a christmas prezzie for her while she was otherwise engaged!

A further thing that cheered me up was a close approximation to a Babis Burger (as made by a Cretan pal called Babis) for lunch. Cheese and bacon with a decent amount of relish. No fries, so a healthy option!
Remembered this morning that its my work Christmas 'do' tonight. Off to Jongleurs :)
I'm likely to forget, so.....despite the chaos, have a great new year in your new gaff!

Thanks Ruth. A happy New Year to you too.

You staying in Stoke or moving somewhere nicer? ;)

You mean there is somewhere nicer than Stoke? Nah, I don't believe it. :)

I'm moving all the way out to Bignall End.
WCMU...JN (just now)

I realised ive only got another 2 hours of work this year :):):):)
Finding a parking space at the hospital, then being told that the eye drops are keeping my intra-ocular hypertension under control.

Of course, the downside is that the drops they put in during the check procedure leve me 1/2 blind for a couple of hours so may not drive! Luckily, Mrs Nod was able to get a lift up to the hospital from a student to pick me (and my car!) up.
Finding a parking space at the hospital, then being told that the eye drops are keeping my intra-ocular hypertension under control.

Of course, the downside is that the drops they put in during the check procedure leve me 1/2 blind for a couple of hours so may not drive! Luckily, Mrs Nod was able to get a lift up to the hospital from a student to pick me (and my car!) up.

Are they the ones that dilate the pupil? I hate those.
The first ones are a local/topical anaesthetic, followed by the pupil dilators. Make even today's dull, grey skies seem too bright! Feels like f/1.2 using ISO3200 in Crete at noon!!! Might need a little doze before heading down to town - parking's likely to be a PITA so am planning on taking Mrs Nod down on the bike.
Bought myself a new road bike from Evans on the 12th and collected it on Sunday.

Looked on the Evans site today and it is 145 quid cheaper. Could believe it, it's 2015 model too
Phoned them up just now and they are sending me 145 quid's worth of vouchers to price match themselves. Very happy
WCMUT? Not having to take Mrs Nod down to work this morning (and even more so, not having to join in the class!!!)
WCMUT? Christmas Eve....the commute to the office was fantastic.
7 am.
No school runners.
Very few commuters.
Foreign trucks have vanished back across the water.
Bloody marvellous :)
WCMULN - @ST4 posting again... much as we don't get on I was begining to become concerned that as he hadn't posted since monday he might have been squashed by a bin lorry.
WCMULN - @ST4 posting again... much as we don't get on I was begining to become concerned that as he hadn't posted since monday he might have been squashed by a bin lorry.
That is one of the most insensitive, offensive, misguided, ill judged and damn ignorant things I've ever read on here. You should hang your head in shame. I hope the Mods don't delete it so everybody can see just what a tool you are . Utterly disgraceful!!
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That's just plain bloody nasty!

OMG I can't believe you posted this.
Very insensitive.

No seriously - I was concerned that he hadnt posted since monday , and hearing of the accident and knowing he'd be on foot in glasgow I feared the worst, so it was a relief to see him posting again yesterday... What's nasty or insensitive about that ? . Steve and I don't see eye to eye but I wouldnt wish that on him , or indeed any of our members
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No seriously - I was concerned that he hadnt posted since monday , and hearing of the accident and knowing he'd be on foot in glasgow I feared the worst, so it was a relief to see him posting again yesterday... What's nasty or insensitive about that ? . Steve and I don't see eye to eye but I wouldnt wish that on him , or indeed any of our members

Don't dare try to dress it up or back track by with false concern and trivialising it. It remains about the vilest post I've seen on here an attempt at humour at the expense of the tragic events in Glasgow. It's plain for all to see regardless of your attempt to minimalise the seriousness. Having said what you said you could at least be man enough to acknowledge how offensive it is and offer some sort of genuine apology. Pathetic!!
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I'm with Brash on this and even more so considering you was just as insensitive in the joe cocker thread

You should be ashamed
I haven't taken offence at Mooses post, FWIW. Sadly there are some not as lucky as me. Wrong time, wrong place sort of thing. My Dad saw the thing unfold as he works nearby, says it wasn't pretty to say the least - he took my mother to the lights on Saturday afternoon, 48hrs later had he been off work they'd have gone, but he couldn't get the time so went on Saturday. Not like me to defend Moose, but I don't think he meant to cause offence or trivialise a sad event for the city of Glasgow.

? . Steve and I don't see eye to eye but I wouldnt wish that on him , or indeed any of our members

Just a good seeing too from an armed robber called Vinny ;)

Don't worry, I didn't see genuine malice in your post.
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I haven't taken offence at Mooses post, FWIW. Sadly there are some not as lucky as me. Wrong time, wrong place sort of thing. My Dad saw the thing unfold as he works nearby, says it wasn't pretty to say the least - he took my mother to the lights on Saturday afternoon, 48hrs later had he been off work they'd have gone, but he couldn't get the time so went on Saturday. Not like me to defend Moose, but I don't think he meant to cause offence or trivialise a sad event for the city of Glasgow.

Whether you personally were offended or not ain't the point Steve, tho I'm surprised yer not. I bloody well was and I dare say many others will be when they see it. A guy in Sunderland got locked up, rightly so, for a Tweet he made joking about the situation. I just can't believe some folk sometimes and whether the intent was to offend or not is irrelevant. The fact remains it was a comment as about as crass and ignorant as I have seen and the lack of acknowledgement of this and the pathetic attempt a sincerity is cowardly, indefensible and beyond reproach imo.
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