weekly Wornish's 52 2023 Week 52 added: Favourite 2023 Image

Week 40: (a) Memory.

Our son will be 40 next month and these two books contain a lot of happy memories of him and our daughter. Can't pick one memory.

Ahh! Lovely that you have kept them and they are still close at hand!
Nice shot David, makes me want to take the boxes of the photos of our kids and go through them.
Good to see you're back to being the first post again Daivd :)
I agree with your choice from these two, The angles of the two sets of stairs gives it the edge.
(Actually, is that a second set of stairs, or the landing? Either way, they play off against each other).
The stair shot is quite good, David. You've made a rather mundane subject interesting.
Week 42: Forgotten

Forgotten and left behind:



Forgotten we had these

Upright. I rather like the colour pop on the second but the composition on the stairs is spot on.
Forgotten. That's something that I often forget and then regret when out and about!
Both good shots David and both would be suitable for the theme.
Week 43: Spooky

This shot was taken in the churchyard this afternoon, I was too scared to do it at night:eek:

After quite a bit of "normal" post-processing, PS Generative fill did help a bit. Can you spot it?



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Works as spooky for me. I think I prefer #2 although it's more subtle.
Week 44: Captive
Struggling for ideas on this topic.



Week 45: Snappers Choice, Technique: Wide Angle


Autumnal Colours
Week 46: Wall

Not very exciting I know.

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Simple shot but a nice combination of texture, colour and a good dof.
Took these on a walk this morning an hour or so before this weeks subject was announced.

Autumn Leaves.jpg


Autumn Leaves 3.jpg

Autumn Leaves 4.jpg
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Spent a lot of time walking round Hagbourne when I lived on that edge of Didders and recognised them instantly.

That is a good shot of Hakkas.
Yes, it is. I live there and was out for a walk this morning so pure chance the subject came up.
I went there with the MRs to view a house a couple of years back, we walked down there while waiting for the Pub to open.
Thanks. I just looked out the window and thought yes that's wet.
Catch up:
Autumnal: Three nice images. Your chosen shot leads the eye nicely.
Arrow: Fits the bill nicely
Wet: very quick of the mark... but not hard to find at the moment for anyone! You've captured the raindrops well with a lovely slightly oof background.
Week 50: Old

The village policeman is showing his age!


Alternative: There has been a church on this site since the 10th century. This church was rebuilt in the 12th Century!
So, it qualifies as old.

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Love the Postie pic :)

Which church is that?